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Feeling Flirtatious
Hearing Maroon 5 - Sunday Morning
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Yes, this Suday update thing works for me so well. Like a week end review. I'm so great. Well, lets get to it!

Hats Off to The Sis: So, happy birthday to my dear sister "L"! The big 33. Holy crap, talking about old. I'm glad I'm still 16 and have my whole life ahead of me. (Giving the evil-eye to any doubters of the last statement)

Foto? ¿que Foto?: So, a month or so ago, well.. Damn, I don't wanna tell you people. Well, I'm contracted to. So, Kevin and I are both adults and he has a penis. Well, Kevin and I enjoyed adult sexual activities. Yes. OMG, yes. The best. You can hear more about that below. But, anyways, one night we were both drinking ( Blame the Booze) and we took a few photos of our, um, activities and the results of that activities. (Use your damn imagination). So, I'm at work and my boss lady whips out her camera phone (How much do I hate those things to begin with) and started taking my picture. Anyone who knows me knows I absoulutly hate having my photo taken. Esspecially on a damn camera phone. So, I thought it might be funny to whip out my camera and start taking pictures of her (Turn about is fair blah). Hey, don't get ahead of me. But you all pretty much know where this is headed. She snatches my camera and starts reviewing the images! I yelled at the top of my lungs that there are some very very private pictures on there as I was trying to get it back. She blocked me from retrieving my camera, and yes, she did see the photos. So, I finally got my camera back, and I guess I was just in shock. She didn't really mention the photos; Only to say that if I didn't want peeps to see, I shouldn't bring my camera out. But, come on, if I were to snatch her camera phone and look thru the pictures after she told me not to, I would be so fired! Anyways, I then was rather upset because I am a rather private person. I know, that Aaron Webcam thing. But that was a three times in a life time thing. Well, she's not brought it up. So, I don't know. I do feel like a major violation but not as much as Kevin. Kevin was furious. Talking about taking her camera phone and stomping on it. Awww.

Kevin: So, you know how I had to make a choice. Well, Friday, I called Kevin and told him I was gonna meet him at his job before he left. Which, usually means " I'm horny and need your *#*& inside of me for 25 minutes" . And he thought that was what was gonna happen. It's a routine. But, anyways, I'd been thinking about what Kiana said and I made a choice to either cut this wonderful guy loose so he knows that theres no chance, or to be there for him and give loving him another chance. I mean, I'd been really thinking about it. Asking advice from Jhoeny (Lovez her so much!) , looking at charts, weighing the options. All that. And, Friday, before I leave out, I still didn't know what exactly I was gonna say or do. So, I made a choice not to drink at all at the club like I usually do. I wanted my thoughts to be clear. I meet up with Kevin and he gets off and he drives me first to Taco Bell where we had fun. ( He was ordering cinnomen Twist and the elderly lady taking the order in drive thru kepts saying Iced Tea. And we were bursting out laughing trying to order. You had to be there) We got to his Apartment and we put on a movie and he is obviously excited (erection . lol.) But, I had to stop eventhough i was horny as hell. And I basically started speaking thinking I will let him down gently. Then, I just asked myself why. I mean, I have such a great time around him. He makes me feel so ooooooooooooooooooo so good physically and mentelly. I mean, why am I gonna break his heart? To chase after a co worker who disrespects me one minutes and in secret appoligises and thinks everything will be ok? Or to hold on to the fact that a stupid druggie ex will one day clean up, come back to me, and be happy? Or maybe I'm just waiting for some guy in Texas to shape up, realize how happy we can be and make the choice to accept me? With Kevin, I got it. I have love. I have commitment. I have fun. I have true companionship. So, I told him, I want to be offical again. My God! He just burst into tears. Then I started crying. ( Yes, a real queerish moment) Then, yeah, my lord we made out. Then, we practically woke the neighboors. I swear he gets better at sex each and everytime we do it. And it was intense. Didn't last as long as usuall, but the intensity was just overwhelming for us both. And we layed in each others arms as close as ever. Connected in our hearts. So, last night (Saturday) he planned a surprize, but I found out what it was. He made me dinner over my house since mom was outtie. And he took advantage of me. He got me drunk off some type of cooler. It was soooooooo good. I'd never had it before. Peaches and Cream or something like that. And we eventually had adult activities last night as well. And that lasted a good 45 minutes, which was great. it feels so good being connected with someone like that . And he honestly wants to be with me. Like no one else before . I mean, he's just ...ugh. Am I going on? I mean, I only regret that I didn't realize it soooner! I mean, yadda! Ok, I can't even finish this post because I'm just filled with such emotion. I will update later tonight or tomorrow because there are other things I need to get to. Love you all.

God Bless.
Thomas Williams-DiMera

Written by thomasdimera

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