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14 days until the day that the earth was finally at peace; My Birthday. Yahooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Hiya folks. This is Tommy DiMera and I am just noticing how attracted I am to myself. lol. Anyways, yesterday, I went to visit my ex step grandmother in law at the hospital. I've been very upset since then. She's not doing well anymore. She thinks everyone is trying to kill her. She's become dilirious and all. She was never like that. I lashed out at my mother for making me see her like this. It's like, now my last meomory of my grandmother is of her being sick and ill and I didn't want to remember her that way. In fact, I'm going to try my hardest to just forget about yesterday, and remember her two weeks ago when her and I went to a church like function together where she was beautiful and full of life. I don't know. I'm just sick of doing this. Having to deal with people dying because everyone makes such a big deal about it. When I clap when someone dies, they think i'm mean, but I'm actually celibrating their life and congradulating them on passing on to a better place.
Well, in other news, Rosie and I had a fight about her perfect boyfriend! She got mad at me because I ripped him to sreads because he's always making fun of me about where I shop. I mean, yes, I shop at the mall. Gap, Structure, Abercrombie & Finch, and all that. And I understand I'll get a lot of critisimBut if you are going to say something about me, you must prepare yourself to get knocked down! So, I didn't actually confront Dan because Rosie won't let me talk to him, but I told her what I wanted to say to him. It's funny how the homeless can make fun of the people who do have things, but when it's reversed, it's "Wrong and politically Incorrect!" So, Rosie went on and on about how Dan was better than I because blah blah blah and just because he's a street rat doesn't mean he's less of a man. Well, I think he is since he has to try to offend me for the way I dress and where I shop. So, I'm glad I had a real friend to actually talk to after I finished trying to defend myself to a girl that is so infactuated with some punk that her views are miscontrude and totally inaccurate. It upsets me that with all that's going on in my life, that someone I thought was a really good friend turned her back on me at a time when I really needed her. But, oh well. Like I said, I had someone to fall back on.
Anyways, I think I may be falling in love with a guy finally. I never thought it would happen because it's always been girls, but I think I'm on the verge of falling, and I hope I can't get up. Ugh. It's so confusing. This is a part of myself I'm not really completely used to. Ugh! It's fustrating at times. I think I just want to move away from Indiana and start all over with this guy. I mean, I have no true friends in Indiana except for Jorja. Oh well. See you all later unless I die before then.
Other News :
I went to see Joe Somebody Yesterday
My vagina itches.
OMG, I don't have a party planned for New Years! What's wrong with me.
Me So Horny

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