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Hello darlings. Well, just as I expect, Jodi is now pissed at me. Oh well. I don't get why people think the world revolves around them. They should all know it revolves around me damnit. Ugh. She im'ed me all mad and stuff that I'm "talking shit" behind her back. I just didn't pay attention to what she was saying. I just kinda blew everything off and start saying stuff like "Ohh, I love you Jodi" I think she was just PMS'ing. I totally understand if she was. She thinks that just because we aren't connecting, that I don't like her or don't want to be her friend. Peeps, I'm so not like that. If I don't want to be your friend, I wouldn't even bother talking to you in the first place. And of course, by the time Jodi finished stopped going off on me, I felt totally bad because I feel I misrepresented myself to her if she thinks that I don't like her. Ugh, popularity is not easy!
Well, anyways, my future husband, Andrew H., wants me to call him so bad that he's practically crying. I think I sound funny, but everyone tells me that I don't. I dunno. Maybe I'm just a total dork. lol. He has the sexiest voice on earth. Well, second sexiest. His mom has the sexiest! lol. I wish I could hear Rosie's voice though. I think it would be with a think New Jersey accent. lol. I can almost hear it now. "Wutcha taulkin bout Tommie" God, I love her so much. Listen, I'm going to keep on typing because I have so much to say. So, this is the point in my blog where you should take aa break for some coffee and a tea cake.
Anyways, I'm having a BIG problem with one of Cheryl's friends, Ashley. She's a major alternative freak bitch that "hate preps" and hates me double that. I don't see what problem she has with me though? It's like, she is angry at the world for some reason? So, I usually invite peeps to go partying with me on fridays and saturdays because I have access to a lot of clubs and peeps, and I don't invite Ashley with us because she said she hates preps and all, and I don't want her to feel excluded when Shawna, DOug, Andrew and the rest of us get together those days. Yes, I invite Cheryl with with because Cheryl doesn't go around saying that she hates preps or queers. So, the point I'm trying to make is, this bitch gets mad because I don't talk to her and don't invite her to our parties but I do invite Cheryl. Yet, she says she can't stand being around me or preps. So there's no winning with that loser. Then she goes around bad mouthing me. What a total loser she is.

Okay, I talked your damn ear off. LOL. Peace be with you. Buh bye. Love you all, yes even you Jodii even if you don't believe me or like me. I think you and I will be okay one day. )Kiss)

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