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Not feeling Bloggy, but I must Current
mood: bummed
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Okay, i'm in no mood to post a blog. But why? I don't know. I've nothing to say really, but I will force a blog since it's been weeks.

Goals Update:
So, I figured I would Update on the current situations with the resolutions I made. I will do this every month to make sure I'm still holding myself accountable for them. I'll repost the goals and the current situation.
1. Of course last year I wanted to not gain any weight, and then secretly I resolved to loose 20 pounds. So, this year, up front, I want to loose 30 pounds by December 30 2009.

( Update) Well, as I stated before I took a little break. In the month of January I
gained 4 pounds. it's alright, I'm back on it now.

2. I resolve to limit my potty mouth. Since I'm seen as a leader at church, Pastor Jeff pointed out that the reputation of the church can be reflected in the things I do. So, my major this is my potty mouth. I want to limit it a lot in 2009, and in 2010 I wish to eliminate it all together. So don't look at me funny when I say fizzlesticks.

(Update) I'm trying to be more aware of when I do say potty words. I think I've made some headway, but there is still room for improvement.

3. I resolve to put myself out there more and find my soul mate. I've been toying around all these years thinking he or she will find me. Well, it's just not happening. So, I'm going to go out there and find him or her!

(Update) Well, lol, funny thing. I got an offer. I was at work and this guy approached and asked my name. Once I told him, he said he wanted to talk to me..... then, after that, he said bathroom! BATHROOM! So, yeah, lol, that's the life i'm having. I mean, the movie theater is upstairs and there's like two thousand restraunts around, but I get asked to the bathroom. Damn!

4. I resolve to stop drinking soda , exception being diet soda. Well, wherever you fall on this issue, I think the bulk of my weight issues steam from my consuming of soooooooo many sodas. I am not a big eater, but I can down three 2 liters of mountain dew in one day. So, It ties in with my weight loss plan, but it's it's own specific resolution.

( update) Crap! Well, I caved on this one, but I will get back on it.
5. I resolve to meet at least three "Internet" friends in "real life" I am lucky to have so many great friends Online who I've never meet and I think it's time to step out there and meet and greet. I'm very socially awkward, I know, but my life is going to be what it is regardless. Thusly, I need to get over my insecurities and fears and meet these people face to face. I may not be as funny as I am online for I have time to think before I type out, I may not be as handsome as my picture is online for I only pick and choose the best photos of me, and I may not be as receptive to my friends feelings for I haven't a lot of experience with social clues, but damnit, I need to get the hell over it. The friends that I have in "real life" love me for the goofy awkward guy that I am.

(Update) I have not met anyone offline yet, but I will.

6. I resolve to get health insurance and actually see a doctor. I have a great distrust for doctors, but as I get older (Yeah, I'm shocked that I am actually aging as well) it's more important to at least have that resource to help my health. I've not had any health issues thus far, but that could change any moment.

(Update) I have filled out the papers, I just haven't submitted them yet. I don't know.

7. I resolve to give forgiveness I've been denying. I know it sounds like a Tim McGraw song, but there are a few people who I've not forgiven in my mind that I think it's time to Forgive. I want everyone I've ever had an issue with know that I forgive them and I will ask for there forgiveness as well. Many will not give me forgiveness, but I will give it to them regardless.

(Update) I have wrote two letters to two people and gave them forgiveness.

8. I resolve to finish my book, "Alle" . It's the most painfully chapter in my life that I try not to speak of or think of and I had the energy to do it earlier in 2008, but my confidence faded with issues that arrived in my life. it's time to finally put a period in that chapter of my life.

(Update) Still
working on it.

9. I resolve to write (paper and pen, not Internet) at least one family member, friend, or random person out of the phone book per week. Sounds nuts? Well, I think the pen is mightier than the click. I've slacked off on my writing big time in 2008. There's no reason for this. I want to write to my family and friends. Not text and email. So, I resolve to do just that.

(update) I've wrote one person from the list of 47 that I got. lol. Pitiful, but I'll get back on it.

10. I resolve to try to de clutter my life (materially). I once had all I wished for financially, and I abused it. I didn't appreciate any of it. Then, I took a big hit and lost a lot. Now that I'm getting financially fit again, I resolve to not fill my home with materials. I resolve to only buy what I need with rare little "gifts" sporadically during the course of the year. But never again let what I have define who I am. I will save up, and I will be a more giving person financially.

( Update) This is the resolution I've made a lot of progress on. I've given away a lot of clothes .

11. Finally, I resolve to GO THE HELL BACK TO SCHOOL! Not online courses, not a class every semester. But to complete my college education within the next two years. I need to get serious with this. No more excuses. I'm going to finish school damnit.

(Update) I'm filling out the papers for financial aid now and I'm thinking of switching my major. Yeah, I know.

Well, I will update later on, because I'm just not into bloging right now. Sorry. Love you though.

-Katherine Chancellor does not have ahzheimers (Young and The Restless
-Damn wind!
-God Bless you all.
- I've accepted the position
at church. Lots of work involved to build my team up.

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