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So, I'm pissed off. Kerra is the meaniest person in the world. Ok, so, the other day we were speaking and she leaves all of a sudden. Then to come out, she was actually "baking" with Jason, so she just leaves me without saying bye. Ok, so I get over it and we play Yahoo Literiti ( Our game) and then she goes, " Oh Geez, Jason said I have to get off of here in five minutes" Ok, yeah, so, of course I'm a little upset by this because it, in all honesty, sounds like Kerra is just his bitch and I hate that. But, lucky me, Aaron came over just at that time. So, I said, ok Kerra, I'll let you go since you have to go soon anyways. And she like goes off on me. " I guess I'm not important enough to you" she says and all this other crap. So, I finally said " Listen, You're acting just like Raymond did about Aaron and I got rid of his ass. I would hate to do the same to you. Bye" Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I'm not 100% in the right. But, geezus, she gets on my nerve when she thinks it should be two sets of standard. I guess she wants me to be her bitch, and I refuse to be anyones bitch, esspecially now. I'm not having a great time health wise.

I've been so tempted to stop eating all together in recent day. And I have been so hating my self. I don't think it has anything to do with Raymond because, in all honesty, I wasn't all that into him. But, I dunno, I'm just having a rough time. Also, I'm sore everywhere for some reason, and I've been extremly clumbsy and very anti social.

Ok, well, if someone wants to diagnoise me with something, please do, because I would appreciate any help I can get.

In Other News
My room's a mess
The following people can kiss my ass right now: COle, Kerra, Mike, My sister, Raymond, Bobby, Dan, Kelly, L Jr, George W. punk ass Bush, Jennifer, the fag at Subway, and Tony.
Yeah, I so need a chill pill.
Bite me

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