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Goal update

Well it’s the end of one month and the beginning of another.  So, what’s it all about?

Well, first, I want to update everyone on my Soul Goals / Resolutions. 
Here they are just to remind everyone. 

1)      What the heck did you think Number 1 would be?  Here’s a big number.  I plan to lose 75 Pounds by December 20th.  I plan to lose at least 25 of that by May 12th.  You can track my process by my new plan online at  I encourage everyone to join and help one another.  My user name is tommywd
2)       Words are powerful.  Words are never perfect, but they can be used to help or hurt.  I plan to use my words more positively in 2013. That means (GOD HELP ME WITH THIS ONE) less cursing.  Fewer complaints.  More encouragements to all around me.  More love.  A little less attitude (though I wouldn’t be Tommy if I didn’t speak my mind) a little more confidence in what I say. 
3)       Starting reading my bible more often.  I do not agree with some of the things that the men who wrote the book said.  But I know God can use anything to get his word to you.  The bible is a great tool to use and draw from. 
4)       Do volunteer work for some sort of suicide prevention place.  This is in honor of all my friends who made that choice to not be here with us.  I will need extensive training in this area and I’m rather scared to do it, but I feel called to do it. 
5)       Work on my Business.  Party Planning, Poker, and More under the title of my business.  Grow it so one day I can stop working for companies who don’t give two farts about their employees.   And maybe (this is a long term goal) one day I start hiring on people and treating them how employees should.  True respect.  True love.  And true honesty.  Not just what the manual says to do and say to give them a false sense of whatever. 
6)       More frequent correspondence with my family and friends.  Snail Mail, email, text, and even the thing I hate most phone calls.  There are so many ways to communicate yet I’ve not.  
7)        Meditation is key to re-centering yourself.  So yeah, I need to get on that.  Prayer is one thing, Meditation is another.  I need to set aside more time for both. 
8)       Blog!!!!!  This has been my outlet since I was a wee tot.  So, I need to get back to it.  I need to write one at least once a week even if it’s just like 3 sentences. 
9)       Done with Soda.  Yeah, diet soda, regular soda.  Hell, even Fruit Juices.  I am going to get a juice and if I want juice I will make my own.  All that stuff is such junk.  So, the plan really is to start shopping at the health food mart. 
10)     Finishing writing my book books.   Will it get published, who knows?  Will it get read by more than 10 people, eh can’t tell yeah.  But none of that will happen until I finish the darn thing.  So, I will work on that. 
The percentage is what I believe to be the percentage of satisfaction of this goal. 
Number 1- 97% Okay, so with number 1.  I’ve been doing well keep track of my eating and exercise habits and I’m proud to say overall I have lost 5.2 pounds since starting.  Not a big number, but a steady one.  As I said it’s a complete change.  Not just a get fit quick thing then a month later I put on the pounds and more.  All this was without my gym membership.  So, I will be getting that back in the middle of February and maybe by March I will be updating with bigger numbers. 
Number 2- 45% well, Lol, um.  I have been more encouraging of the people around.  My potty mouth is still there, but I’m working on it.  I’m using more “Fizzle sticks” and “Yaddas” 

Number 3- 5% I only picked it up once in January.  I need to do better and I shall. 

Number 4- 0% I need to do better on this too.  If anyone knows of any resources they want to pass along, that would help. 

Number 5- 10% I’m in information gathering mode in this.         

Number 6- 80% I’ve been doing okay with this.  I’m making more of an effort to contact and reach out to people. 

Number 7- 5% I am really working out a time for this, but it seems so often I’m trying to catch up with sleep and heeling.  I will do better. 

Number 8- 5% I meant to do it more frequently than this, but I’m working on it. 

Number 9- 15% Well, I’m trying.  It’s rather hard, but I will try a little hard.  The good thing is I have not had any regular.  But I have done some diet sodas (Sprite Zero….mmmmmmmmm) 

10- 0% that sucks that I haven’t even made a sentence yet, but I’m going to do better.

So that’s a small update on the goals.  Right now, I’m trying hard to remain focus and one of the things I said I would do is not focus on a certain thing in my life which is the Relationship block.  Well, this hasn’t been easy.  There is temptation everywhere.  Sexual Temptations and Relationship temptations and just everything.  It seems when you put something off for a year that this is when it’s more evident and present in your life.  But I’m doing well.  Hopefully all of them will be willing to wait for now.  I really have to focus on myself this year.  In the long run, it’ll be better for them and me.  Be patient guys.  Lol.  Tommy will be back and as my girlfriend Dolly Parton would say “The Bargain store will be open, come inside.  You can easily afford the price.  Keep in mind the fact that all the merchandise is used.  But with a little mending it can be as good as new”

Love you all.

Tommy D. 

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