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Feeling Sad Hearing Nothing
I am not a poet, but just something
Dancing man so full of grace.
Song to sing, with a beautiful face.
Long way from home, you made a life
worked 60 hours, never took a wife
Smiled when sad, smiled when glad
Smiled with comfort when you made me mad
Heart so big, ego so small
And recently my friend, you heard the call.
A good person like you is not fit for earth.
Now you're with other Angels on their Turf.
Move those hips, sing that song.
Keep Heaven happy all day long.
The memories of that I keep down here.
And one day I 'll be there, just to be near.
When you sing your song, and dance your dance.
How I long for the day I will get that chance.
To laugh and play and hold you near.
See your smile and know there's nothing to fear.
Down here you took things easy
Did crazy things, and your jokes were pretty cheesy.
You impacted my life with you just being you.
And the now I cry with nothing else to do.
Cry for the lost, though your memory is fresh.
I cry for the feel of your flesh.
If I could just hug you once more .
And feel the love in our deepest core.
There's a lot of things I wish I could change.
For your keys, a kiss I would exchange.
For your sleep, I would give you all of mine
And for less of mine, I would give you more time
For those angels in heaven don't need you as I do now.
But To question my god would be dishonor to my vow.
Until we dance again, my beautiful Amigo
Un día pronto seremos juntos, hasta que después le amaré y faltaré mucho

Copyright 2006 Thomas Williams DiMera

Written by thomasdimera

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