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Feeling Sad
Hearing 98 Degrees- I do (Cherish You)
Long awaited Update

Hello. I'm sorry for not updating. I've been so busy with personal life, work, and all that. So, you'd think I'd have a lot to update here, but no. So, let me update the little that I do have.

Kevin's Influence: So, we were "off" . And, I was so lonely. So, yeah, you can guess what happened. Him and I patched up some of our differences. So, we were friends for a good month. No sex. You know, just friends. Then, it was time again. I was horny, he's always horny. Add one and one, and you get love making. And, it was great. So, that's been going on for the last 3 weeks now. Now, for the reason of my sadness. Kevin and his family have been contemplating a move, and a decision has been made. They will be moving to California for a month with family, and then they will be moving to Hawaii for good. They expect to be out of Indy September 8th. I don't know if it's just that reality hasn't set in or, what's going on psychologically, but I've not cried about it, or even really thought about it. I'm a lot more emotional about other things. But, about this, it's just I don't know. I want to cry, but can't. I want to get angry, but I don't. Kevin and I spent the whole day together yesterday. We went to TGI Fridays and went shopping. I'm scared that things will just get much much harder as the day draws nearer. I guess I could just move with him, but I won't, and I can't. So, that shall not happen.

Indy Black Pride: Well, I don't want this blog to become the Kevin Kronicles, so lets get a few other topics out. Congratulations to Robert Ferguson and his wonderful staff for pulling off the first Black gay pride. I was lucky enough to attend. The same day I found out that Kevin was leaving I may add. I got up the strength and pride to get there for the opening day festivities. Unfortunately, I was not able to make the festivities for the next day. It's so wonderful to celebrate pride in every aspect of our gay community. We're all going to need to unite like we've never had to before to protect our rights, and the rights of our children, grand children, and so forth. To be united, you must learn of what makes us different and be proud of our differences. Yet, also, realize that our fights our the same and united we can triumph over evil and bigotry in all it's dark, lurky corners and we will be a people of unity with diversity. The efforts of Mr. Ferguson, and all of us showing pride in ourselves make the bigots of the world weak, and one day the bigots will be forced back into the gutters and the darkest pits of hell where they belong.

Concluding: I'm going strong, and I am looking forward to all the challenges that I know I will face soon. But I go head on, and I'm going to keep my faith in my lord's plan for me, going to keep my pride and love for this world, and my friends and family on my shoulder. I'm ready. Are you?

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