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Feeling Frustrated Hearing Celine Dion (Don't Laugh)
My Lord, My Nation, My Self
Hello and welcome to my Blog yet again. I have a few things to get to in this issue, so , please remain patient.
This election season was so draining in all aspects. It makes me ill to know that I am in what is known as a red state ( More like redneck state if you ask me) . This election has caused me to be unlike myself. Arguing with friends, harassing, physically threatening 70 year old women, and so on. Yes, you heard me. This woman was talking shit at the mall the day after the election. The quote that I overheard her say was " Republican all that way. We can't have gays running this country" and being that I was so depressed as it is, I confronted her and she threatened me, so I said if she laid one hand on me, I would make sure her family finds her pieces all accross this state. Hey, shut up. I was depressed. She called for the stupid mall gaurds but by the time they got there, I had alright gone up to my movie
So, I've had some battles on both sides about my religion recently. First, from my job. I always proudly display my cross 99% of the time (1% is when I forget it at home.) And, I make no excuse for it. I proudly exclaim my love for my lord, and his love for me. I don't make it "In your face" about it, but I'm not going to deny it Just as I will not deny the fact that I'm bisexual. Well, my lesbian boss who doesn't like me for some reason ( Mayabe because she's locked in her closet at home, and I can be who I am eventhough my mother pretends not to know. COme on mom, get a clue. it's getting old. ) She tells me I can no longer wear the crosss I've worn forever. I even wore it to the damn interview for the stupid job . So, yeah, I'm pissed about that to the point that I've considered legal options, but I've been so busy with election, etc. that I said fuck it. So, on the other side, I have my "republican friends" tell me that being bisexual, and being a man of faith are oppisites of one another. I beg your motherfucking pardon?! Oooh, yes. To be bisexual is to be with satan. Okay, eventhough it shouldn't piss me off as much now because I've gotten this all my life (growing up catholic is the bomb!), you would think that I've learn to just blah it off. Nooooo. A passage in the bible says that homosexuality is an abominashion. Alrighty. It also says Pig is to be treated sacred and that women are not to be heard of in public, nor should they hold jobs , etc. And people have mistranslated, misrepresented, misused, and misunderstood the bible for years and years. The bible was once used to justify the laws against Interracial dating/marriage. So, come, now. And need I remind you people, the bible was not "written by the lord" . IT WASN'T! Wake up. Even by it's own accounts, men make mistakes, for only he, our lord is perfect. This is what I do know for a fact. My lord created me, and all things he create are beautiful. The purest thing he gave us is love. Love for ones self, love for him, love for others. So, if I am to love a man, or a woman, that love was given to me in my heart by my lord, so no one is going to tell me that my lord hates me, my gay friends, etc. Because God is love. Period. So, let the radical right quote thier bible. I'll just continue to quote my heart and let love guide me thru my life. And let the final be my lord.
Ok, I should be a preacher! Someone said the nicest thing in the world to me after the election. He comes up to me because he seen that I was having a very rough time, and he was telling me about the rough time he had been recently experiencing himself. He said he was thinking of me while he was going thru his things because he turned to our wonderful lord and prayed and that he thought of me when he prayed because I some how give off the God vibe or something. I mean, that truly made me feel such a since of..... I dunno. I went home and I cried, and it was like, I was comforted by his words and somehow, someway, I knew that just because George is in office, and nothing is looking up for me right now , doesn't mean that the things I've worked for are over, null, void. There's still so much love I need to be spreading in this world. I thought, quite frankly, that with Bush being in office, that I would be dead now due to suicide or a riot gone bad. No. There's more work. And this guy that I don't know too well, who was sorta inspired by me to turn to the lord of love in his time of need pointed out to me the reason why I should go on. The reason to pick myself up and dust myself off. And damnit, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
Ok ok ok. I'm getting too excited. Lets try to calm me down. Lets talk about Kerra. Yay. I love her so much. If you're reading my AOL journal, you can see her picture. She's a wonderful girl. We've been talk more recently, which has also helped me thru a lot of this shit. I feel so comfortable talking with her about anything. She has a new boyfriend who she's set on marrying in 1 and a half years. Yeah yeah. Don't even give me that look like I did something wrong. Like I've said previously, her and I were not meant to be. Yeah, my connection with her is like, soooooooooooooo strong right now and I was reading some emails from last year and early this year that we passed back and forth and I shed a tear. Yadda! Honestly, yadda. She's so beautiful, but that's not all to her, which is the whole point of Kerra. To know her is to love her. She has passion and personality. She can piss you off on minute, and make you horny as hell the next. lol. OMG, I should go to confessional for that comment. I love you Kerra!
Wow, this is a long one, and I don't think I'm finished. tell you what, I will end it so you guys won't just tune out my journal. But, here are the things I need to get to on my next post. I have to post them so I can remember. lol.
Andrew, Jhoeny, The carreer stuff, the sickness, cory, the gay only thing, the mom stuff recently, the new sections on my homepage soon, the current hell job.
Geez, I have a lot of stuff to still get to. I better post sunday morning or evening because I also have something that I will need to post about friday night because I'm going, um, out. lol. So, best bet, check back Monday morning for another full post.
Alright. Love you Andrew, Ashley (lil sis), Crystal (Sweet Honey), Jhoeny, Kerra (slurp), Mike, Dan, Judd, Jeff, Stacy, Cole ( Yeah, gotta talk about him too next post), Kevin, Amanda, Shawna ( ?) , Martha Stewert, and Judge Judy. The rest of you, blah!

I need to clean my room.
God loves all. Even republicans, go figure.
I'm sooooooooo sick.
Great, another nose bleed.
Poor Micheal Moore
Remember young people to go vote on....o wait, that's over
.Written by thomasdimera

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