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Hello people. I made a previous post, but somehow it was not sent thru, so I'm writting another one.
Well, I have to put this up front because all the other stuff is just general stuff. The other day, I had a bloody discharge from my penis. It has worried me so. It's not very possible that it is a sexually transmitted disease due to the fact that I have not had sexual intercourse in months, and whenever I did I have it, I protected myself carefully. So, I looked on a site and found out possible reasons. They list that it may just be a blood vessle that has burst in my region. But then it goes on to Testicular cancer and prostate cancer. Now, my mother has growths called pollups that she has to have removed ever so often, he father survived prostate cancer, my father died from colon cancer, and his mom, while she lived, had breast cancer and had to have a massectimen. So, of course, I am very worried about this now. I'm so scared to see a doctor though.
Okay, lets get off the heavy shit. I will get test ran and then I will worry. Now, to what's being happening since I last wrote.
Okay, well, the mayor of Indianaolis thinks of me as a Community Leader. Weird. He sent me a letter stating that the Neo Nazi group would be rallying in Indianapolis and to pull together support in my community and show diversity in Indanapolis. I went to the Diversity Rally that took place at the same time as the neo nazi rally just a couple blocks away and me, my mother, and my sister L sat up front near the stage. it was great seeing my mother, the conservative republicain surrounded by all these different races of people, and more great, surrounded by all these gay guys and lesbians and a drag queen. She seemed okay though. She didn't have to come but, she did and I and my sister thanksed her for it. She seemed to really embrace diversity like I never seen her do it. At first she was reallly nervous but she was ok.
Cory has officially gotten away with stealing he money. The investagation has ended and the detectives just don't give a shit anymore. I'm thinking of ways now to make him pay, but my mind is just not clear now.
I think I found a replacment for Rosie. Geez, that sounds harsh, but o well. There is this really really really sweet girl who attends my school named Karra. We talk all the time now. She's extremely sweet, and I do love that. But you guys all know how sometimes I can't stand people being perfect all the time. But, Karra has yet to disappoint me. Shawna says she likes her and you all know how Shawna controls my life. :-) .
Well, there's so much more to say so I will most likely update within a week or so. But, for now, I need to get some rest and think about things. I love you guys. Be back with a week, I promise.

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