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Showing posts from 2002
Merry Christmas all you little retards that take interest in my pathetic life. You know I love you all. Well, things went kinda well. Cory was outted in front of his friends and family, and Ashley dumped his ass like planned. Then, he totally gets pissed at me threatening to kill me and all that. I was unphased. I was having such a great day Saturday. I know it is not nice to get pleasure from someone elses downfall, but when you hurt me you should expect to have it comming. The only thing that did not go as I planned is that he didn't commit suicide like I wanted. Damnit! I almost backed down from this plan of totally screwing his life Saturday because I was listening to some old messages that he left on my voicemail and it kinda made me think and miss that. But then when I seen him later in the day with that Cocky Plainfield attitude, I said "Fuck it. That skinney bitch is going down" He was almost to the point of tears when Ashley dumped him in front of Ch...
Blah blah to all that stuff. I'm feeling better. Seriously, I am. I just now need to loose all the weight I've put on in these two weeks, which is a lot of weight. Screw Cory. Well, it's good news. Ashley, the girl he totally dissed me in front of. Well, she and I have become friends and she says she wants to break up with him. She thinks that he's a self rightious son of a bitch. No offense to Cory's mom. She's very nice. But, Ashley is too nice to break up, so I told her I would help her. We were riding in my car and she was telling me her life story and I realize that this girl and I have a lot in common. It was way cool. So, I am getting over the Cory thing. I know I was acting totally stupid with the suicide shit. I'll be alright. Okay, so, a astrained friend of mine, Cole, and I started talking again and he's like "pretending" as if he wants me. Kinda weird. But, he is like totally obsessed with getting my pic and ...
Tonight I came the closest I've ever came to suicide. First I'll tell you all the stuff that's been going on since last time. Okay, cory. Cory is the boy with whom I fell in love with, and then my ex girlfriend Cheryl and he started dating. So, I was like always thinking of ways to break them up, which I did. It was simple actually. I just got her other ex boyfriend, Jimmy, into the picture which in fact made Cory really jeolous. So, after only going out for two days, they split and everything was going well. I would go over Cory's house and we were getting along so well. We shared so much more about each other and it's like we were really connecting. So it progressed and progressed and then Wednesday, he goes " I love you" totally out of the blue. So,, being that this was never expect, I laughed it off. But then I didn't hear any laughter back *we were on the phone(. I just hung up after that. So, yesterday Thursday I go over his hous...
Okay, so I get up with the flu, or course and I drag myself to school. While in my Psychology class, I start to get all hot, and my vision becomes expelled. So, I got all sick all of a suddened, and passed out and the perimedics came and took me to the hospital. So, I get tere and they are wheeling by four convicts bloody and shit, and I'm like "I'm so out of here" It was no big deal anyways because it's just the flu. So, I go to my Communications class and head to my car to discover I locked my keys in my car! Ugh. So I had to call the campus police. They helped me back in the car. SO, I get home and tell my mom what happened today and she totally bitches me out because I didn't call her when I was in the hospital. I mean, it wasn't a big deal, and I didn't need her comming down pretending like she gave a damn. Ugh. so, yeah. And Cory called today. i didn't answer.
omg, people, i just had to come online and type that Jodi of Ohio gives the best head ever. OMG................ lol. There, I wrote about you Jodi. Happy?
Which cnut member are you ? This pointless quiz was made by TMO
size="-2">What Was Your PastLife?
Um, why does everything bad happen to me? Okay, started two thursdays ago. My class had planned a pizza party, and being the nice guy that I am, I told the professor and all that I would buy it. I made arranments with my sister to drop off the pizzas on campus being that I was in class at the time and could not go out and get the pizzas myself. So, okay, I told her my professor would be down to pick them up at Canvanough Hall, a building on campus that is very assesible from the streets. So, my proffessor goes down and wait at the spot and the bitch never shows. Sorry. So, my whole class was mad and grumpy because they were promised pizza and never got it. After that, I wasn't talking to my sister at all because I paid $50+ for no pizza and angry classmates. I'm still not talking to her. She told my mom that she dropped the pizzas off at "the office" What office. It's a big fucking campus. Did I tell her to drop them off at "the office" No...
color="666666"size="0"> src="" border=0> Yellow...and hungry What Video Game Hero Are You? target="_blank">
You're the star! What Tiny's World character are you?.
Lee lee l la la la. So, okay, everyone around me wants to kill themselves. Andrew is all depressed and wants to die, and Cory mentioned that he's tired of it all and wants to die, and I said it's time for me to die. So, it's like, I don't know, the moon or something. Starting to question if I make everyone totally depressed around me. Well, I can't be too depressing. This guy keeps saying he loves me because he reed my journal and he keeps giving me his phone number and wanting to go get something to eat. I'm like, ew! It's not him, seriously, it's me. I'm just not the type of person for all that jazz. I would rather chase after a guy that is in love with his girlfriend, yet tells me they broke up everyday! Ugh to you Cory. Ugh. I bought Cory and card and a gift the other day and he got all sentimental with me saying lots of sweet stuff to me. I just wish he would finally just tell me he wants to be together instead of all this hint...
Genius Find out what anime character cliche you are.
Find out if you are gay, bi, or str8.
Dexter Boy Genius Take the Cartoon Hero Quiz?.
OMG, what's happening to me? I've been very very emotional the past three days You would think that since I'm a psychology major, I would know what's wrong with me. I've been lashing out at Cory a lot too. I think it's the fustration of him always saying he's leaving his girlfriend, but whenever i see her, they are together. And my life sucks and I do want to die, seriously. Ugh! I'm not saying I'm going to kill myself, but if something were to happen to me, I would not fight death. Someone rob me, I'll fight them even if they have a gun. I'm just so sick of everyone in this stupid world. I know I'm a good person. I know I'm worthy of everything. But everyone in this world is ........ Ugh. Let me leave. Goodnight.
take the what amusing entity are you? quiz by kimburk
Okay okay okay, shut up. Now it's my turn to speak. Main subject.... Cory! Ugh. It's like an obsession. Him and I were horseplaying today and he was looking into my eyes and shit an I had an orgasm. lol. Seriously. It's not like it was, you know, an outward thing. It's was all inside. My whole body felt tingly and stuff and then I got like literally really hot and felt like I need to sit down. Geezus, what is happening to me. I know he has a girlfriend for freaks sake. Her and I even have a class to together on Tuesdays. She is sweet to me, eventhough Cory says she's mean afterwards. I just don't know. I haven't told Cheryl that I'm falling in love with him yet. I guess I'll tell her tomorrow. I think she has a thing for him too, but she's soooooooo mysterious about who she likes around me because she thinks I will get upset. I mean, I''ve never gotten upset when she found another guy. She's so cosiderate sometimes...
what kitchen utensil are YOU?
Hey my peeps. I'm laying in my bed listening to Jewel. The old Jewel. Who will save your soul to be exact. I'm totally depressed today for some reason. I got out of Psychology class today and went to my job just to be near Cory. It's so pathetic. And I was just all cryey and sad all day. I just feel something is wrong and I feel like I want to die, but I don't think I'll ever do it. Seriously, I don't know the reason or what triggered this bout of depression. Okay, crying again. Geezus. i wish I had someone I can talk to right now. I have like no real friends that I can talk to about stuff except for Cory and Bridgette. But Cory is probabley with his little girlfriend right now and Bridgett's just not going to respond to me like I need. She's too young to understand things. She's a sweet girl and all, but there's so much she doesn't knoe about me period. Pkay, I'll try to watch David Letterman and laugh. If not, I'll ...
I taste like Beef . I taste like beef. I'm probably made of beef. You are what you eat, they say, and if the title didn't mean something else, I would be a beefeater. I think red meat is good for you. Puts hair on your chest. What Flavour Are You? EWWWW AS IF !!!!
Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By Growing .
OMG, it's been about two months. I'm so sorry people. I know you are all waiting, salivating, and wondering what has been going on in the life of Tommy. lol. Well, the reason why I haven't updated in a while is because I started school,. Yes, I'm officially a college student. Wahoo! I'm now double majoring in Mathematical Secondary Education and Psychology. Wow, I sound smart. Well, actually I've been going thru this somewhat of a self discovery thing. I'm actually smarter than I thought I was. Though I'm no Einstein, I do feel I have potential. Well, being a "preppy little bitch" has helped me out with the self esteem thing. OMG, I was so upset to day. I hit a puppy dog. :'( He was running accross the street and I was going about 40 and I tried really hard to stop but I heard a thump. There were cars behind me and it was a two lane street, but I still hopped out and I was crying because nothing like this had ever h...
src="" alt="You're a factory reject!" border="0"> You're one of those candy bars that just never made it off the assembly line, or once you did, you were only bought by 44-year-old men with bladder bags. Now, if you like that sort of thing...
See what Care Bear you are. So, I went to Oreintation and meet my new class mates for college which starts the 21st. OMG, they are all so freaking hot. I don't see how I'll be able to stand it. lol. But, serious, I'm like kinda nervious about a lot of things that have to do with college. I can't share them here. But, this is going to be a stressful 4 years for me. I think I may be over my head right now. I'm smart enough to do the college thing, but there are just so many things that need to be done. Ugh. Anyways, Cheryl and I are telling all our friends that we are back together and screwing on a regular basis. Basically, we are both trying to attract guys and girls. We made a plan the other night. When you're single, no one wants you, but when you have someone else, everyone tries to break you up and have you for themselves. It's weird, but Cheryl and I are trying it from this angle. Andrew is being a total dick to me for no appa...
Hey baby!!!! lol. I'm feeling okay today. I just missed Andrew so that was kinda upsetting. So, nothing is really new with me. Last night went out with Cheryl and her dad and step mom. Both of which, don't like me. Well, I think her step mom is jeolous of Cheryl because obvious reasons. Cheryl is active and sexy and her step mom is married to an old goat. Well, he is. Geez. Don't look at me like that. He's a total goat. Anyways, tommorrow I go to the Cheryl Crow+ Train concert! I'm totally hyped. "YOu're my favorite mistake. Did you know, could you tell you were the only one that I ever loved. And now everything's so wrong. Did you see me walking by. Did it ever make you cry I I. You're my favorite mistake" Hmmm, reminds me of the hispanic latin jackass (Andrew) who I totally love. Geez, I so need to get over it. Well, I must leave now. I love you all. Support Britney Spears!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Buy Crossroads on D...
I am Rapunzel! Find your fairy tale character at target="new"> . Uh huh. Okay, so anyways, today I've been pissed. One of these red neck mother fuckers keyed my car today. Sorry, I'm just so unhappy with this state. I am really considering moving to California with Shawnia. I hate the people here. It's like, they are all red necks and dumb and shirtless. I like looking at bodies and stuff, but these people are nasty. All of them. Ugh. Sorry, it's a fustrating day. I haven't talked to Andy Drew today. I totally miss him. Being the jack ass that he is. I was mad at him for some reason last time. I hate when I can't remember why I was mad at someone. Well, that's all I got for today. Love you all.
src="" alt="click to take it!" border=0> LeBeau"> I'm href="">Remy LeBeau href="">What X-Men Character are You? src=""> href="">What is YOUR Highschool label?
I am the hairy toe! Yes, yes I am. Find your whimsy character at target="new"> . Yeah, okay, so it's been like a month. Been going thru a lot. So, bare with me if I go on too long or if the events of my life are out of order. So, for a while I had an actual boyfriend names Brian. He was really sweet to me when we first meet. But now, after four days of going out, we broke up. Ugh. My life is such a total bummer at times. I've only told Cheryl whagt happened, because she's my bestest friend and all. But, everyone keeps wanting to know what happened. Well, right now, I'm willing to make a statement on the issue. I'm not about to tell you all what happen. I just wish to say that, contrary to popular belief, Brian did not take my gay virginity. God people, we went out for four days. Geezus! You think I wanted 19 years to loose my virgin in four nights. So, people, please stop assuming you know me and my ...
I am truly passionate. Find your soul type at target="new"> .
Hello People!!!!!!!!! Okay, Tennis semi-finals and finals are on!!!!!!!!!! I'm so pulling for Tim Henman because, mainly, he's going to be my future husband. Tommy Henman. Hmmmm. I like Tommy Hernendez better. Or TOmmy Meyers. lol. Tommy Meyers I dunno what the hell I'm talking about. Okay, so what's been going on with me? Well, I was kinda worried about my friend (?) Andrew because it's like flooding and stuff down in San Antonio. And the news say that 7 people have died. And I'm like, omg, why hasn't Andrew been online.Then he comes on, and I'm like "Oh Thank God" . Not that I care or anything. (Shut up Rosie) Yeah, Rosie is on vacation in Michigan and stuff and I was going to go on vacation, and I got totally sick and couldn;t go anywhere. It's like a curse! Hmmm, and Andrew is wicca. Naw, let me not go there. So, Cheryl and I haven't seen each other in a while. I'm thinking about her. Eventhough I don...
Hey Kiddies. Okay, about me. Friday, the 14th, I smoked my very first Marijuania thingy with Rob. I thought that I might as well try it before I die. hpm. I don't see how it's worst than smoking a cigar. So, why is it illegal? Um, whatever. Then, Rob decided to act stupid and Jack himself off for me . lol. You people need not have details. He's like totally gone crazy though. And, last night, Stryker and I had an arguement about some homeless guy. He was like, "YOu don't know what it's like" And I was like "If I were homeless, and had to beg people for money for food, I would not do it with a cigerret in my mouth." Hell, $3 can buy some lunchoen meat, I'm sure. It's stupid how like I always get this shit put on me just because I don't give away my money or stuff. It's totally stupid. Anyways, that's all for right now. Love you all.
Hi. I just add that thing so you can be informed when I do update my blogger.
Let notify you when this page changes!
OMG, so ROb and I were hanging out today, and I always joke around with him about seeing his cock and all. So, he goes, "I'll let you see it for a price" and you people don't understand. Rob is a guy who is strictly straight. I am only his friend because he didn't know I was bi first. So shocked, I asked him how much. And he was totally serious about this. He told me the amount and I said I would have it Friday. But I'm not going to do it. I'll give him what he needs because it's obvious he is having some sort of money crisis or something and just doesn't want to tell me. Ugh! He's a good guy, but he's very distant twords everyone. I'm the only one he really opens up to. Not even to his wife does he tell her what he tells me. I don;t know. He's okay. Anyways, Cheryl and I didn't exchange many words today. It's like, her and Scott are trying to rub their relationship in my face, but it really is starting to ...
Hi people. Today sucks. So, if I'm not clear, please excuse me. A lot of things happened since the last time we talked. Okay, it started with Cheryl, my beloved ex. My first sex partner. My friend. My blah blah. She came out ! Yes. Turns out that she is fully bi now. Geezus! It's like a disease I have and I spread it to everyone. Now, this story is about to get complicated, so bare with it. Cheryl tells me that her and Stephanie, her best friend, have been going things. But Stephanie has been acting weird twords her. So, I ask, "What about Jimmy, your boyfriend" And she says she doesn't know. So, she goes off. Then, a day or two later, she comes up to me cry. "Tom" she says "Jimmy broke up with me and now he's with Stephanie. So, she crys and crys, and I kiss her , and kiss her. And we had a serious make out section. So, we agreed that we should go back out with each other. Yay, I say, because recently, I've been...
Hey people, and I'm totally horny right now! Okay, Too Much Information. Rosie and I are friends again. She suckered me into it. And one of the first things I did was sent her an r-rated picture of two guys making out. It was an accident of course, but she still got it and now she swears one of the guys are me. Hmmmmmm. The world may never know. Anyways, I'm not talking to Stephanie anymore because she's a total bitch to me and when I ask her why she's being bitchy, she says cause she's cramping. But then, like no more than five minutes later I see her talking to Rob and Scott and she's all happy and not in a bad mood. So, it must be me. So screw her. I didn't want to be friends with a slut like her anyways. Geez, I'm so bored right now. Cheryl came by showing off her new outfitss and I was like matering at the mouth. . So, she was like, "You like this one" and I was like "I would like it better on the floor" and sh...
You are the good ol' thumb! You are the family one, the one who not necessarily everyone loves but the one who everyone can't live without. Always willing to lend a hand or comfort a friend when they need it. Which finger are you? Take the quiz to find out.
Yeppers. It is I, again, wishing to speak about me. As if there is anyone else as important as I! Well, what's new?!?! Well, I'm sick of the citrus blonde, so I am going to dye it Chocolate Cherry. OMG, that sounds totally yummy. I'm totally yummy . So in my life. I've gotten rid of a lot of my "friends". Rosie, Stryker, Christina, etc etc. It's just really time to surround myself with people who love me and care what happens to me and not get afraid when I am not having a normal day. Peeps that will stand by me regaurdless. Anyways, Star Wars suck. I want to go see Spiderman. OMG, Toby looks so hot in that suit. lol. So, Chris and Alex won the amazing race. Big whoop! I hoped that Blake and Paige would have won. They are such good people. But Will, ugh!!!!!!! He's a total ass! Yuck. Well, now Survivor is about to wrap up. I hope Kathy takes it all. She deserves it. And Buffy. OMG, BUFFY IS THE BEST SHOW EVER Okay, Spik...
Don't be stupid, you know I love ya. Don't be impossible, you know I need ya. Okay, I'm ging to stop singing. So, I'm totally horny right now because I found out thru my neice that some guy thinks I'm cute and all that. Only thing is is that he is 28. But, doable none the less. lol. I'm acting like a total slut, I know. . Well, if you think I'm a slut, my ex girlfriend right now is screaming at the top of her lungs that she gave Jimmy a boner. Ew! I really don't wish to know about it, but she's a hoe! Nothing really new in my life right now. Just preparing to go to COlleg and all. Been busy with that and trying to loose this stupid gaginity. I have a guy in mind. lol. What am I saying, I have 127 guys in mind. And a couple girls. lol. Kinky crap that is. I felt really bad last night because I vomitted all over someone at a party. I was so ashamed and so sick. I don't know, I've been getting sick a lot recently. Bu...
Okay, now, lets talk about some stuff in my life. I have a new friend, named Stryker. Yes, that's his actual name. He is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yummy too, but he's soooooooooooooooooooooooo ghetto so it's like, ew. How do I meet these people. Well, in actuallity I meet him because Stephanie used to fool around with him. Stephnie is Cheryl's best friend. And, Of course Cheryl was my um, yeah. Speaking of Cheryl, I'm totally fed up with her. She's stealing my men. Well, they never get a chance to be mine because she has a killer body and everyone takes notice. Ugh! Anyways, I'm eating Golden Grahams (mmmmmmmmmmmmm) and I'm a monkey so I better go. Love you all. In Other News My mommy is sick. :*( Me so Horny. I wish People would stop trying to pay me to sleep with them. i swear I would give oral to anyone for free. OMG, what a slut!
Apparently I took a little quiz thing that Rosie alude me to. And, that is my resultrs. (Evil look)
now it's your turn to take the "which pop sensation are you" quiz.
Look at me I'm Tommy D. Floucing with virginity. Won't go to bed till I'm legally wed. I can't! I'm tommy d. Watchit, hey, I'm Dorris Day, I was not brought up that way. I don't drink, I don't swear, I don't wrap my hair. I get ill from one cigarette. Keep your filthy paws off my silky draws. Would you pull that crap with Anette. As For you Troy Donahugh, I know what you want to do. You got your crush with an objective lust. I'm just plain Tommy D. Elvis, Elvis, let me be. Keep that pelvis far from me. Just keep your cool, now you're starting to drool. Hey, bongour, I'm tommy D.! Anyway, howdy to all my peeps that are still interested in my pathetic life. So, still no boyfriend. Still a virgin in that aspect. Still no girlfriend. Totally sucks. I kinda gave up on both of those anyways. I am so bored with it. I am really right now focused on improving myself right now. I haven't been happy with myself . I...
So yeah. Uh huh uh huh. It's been a while I know. I've been busy. So, sorry. Don't start yapping at me because I didn't update this thing. So, what's new with me. Thursday, I was at Circle Center mall and this older lady about 60 was on the escolator in front of me started to fall back and I caught her. It's so great. I feeled like superman all day. Sorry, I have to run. I will type more later.
Okay, it's time for me to take a vacation somewhere. Okay, so, my week was bad and worse and all that good stuff. For one, Rosie hasn't been on all week and we haven't talked about Buffy and it's annoying, and I need her. So psh to that. The FBI is investagating certain members of my family, and they are totally harrassing everyone. It's a complicated situation, and I care not to get into it here, but it's stupid. So, they show up one day and start asking me and my mom and my sister about some people we never heard of. And, I thought of course, it was one of those candid camera like things because I thought it had to be some sort of twisted joke. But I quickly learned they were serious. And then, they left and we never heard from them again. This all happened on Wed. So, after this comming wed., I will be a little more relaxed. It pisses me off how certain lower class members of my family can bring us all down. Ugh! Anyways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Hey Folkies. OMG, where the hell is Rosie. It's like, she's never around. I think she's cheating on me with her boyfriend, and that's so wrong. Anyways, big friggen ugh goes to Buffy the Vampire Slayer for not marrying Xander and Onya. It's like I was all excited and happy, and the end result is that Onya is going to turn back into a bad demon. So fustrating. Anyways, you know what I hate. Poor people. Okay, hear me out. It's so annoying that everytime I have someone over to my house, my CDs and other shit end up missing. It annoys me so much. I mean, if they wanted it, they should ask me a I most likely would just give them the damn thing and buy a new one for myself, but it's like everytime someone comes over, stuff comes up missing. This time, it was three CDs and I know Sara Scott got them. She's such a pathetic whore. Ugh. I'm so horny tonight, but feeling so sick. I've been having these weird cramps for the past three da...
Yeah, so, Cheryl and I have been fighting all day. She totally pissed me off with her little PMS'ing attitude. She pissed me off so bad, to where I screamed at her and I told her I was bi and she was like, ugh. And I was like ugh. So ugh! Anyways, Rob and I had an hour long discussion about sex and stuff, and It's been a totally fucked up day. Oh well, at least I got to come home and watch Buffy the Vampire slayer. The best show on earth. I wonder if Rosie is watching it. God, I miss Rosie Pie. I went shopping today and went to Bath and Body works and I smelled this seant, and I don't know why, but this seant made me think of her. It's like total obsession with me, but I love her in a non obsessive way. But her feelings twords me is questionable. OMG, Onya and Xander's wedding. Talk more later. Shawna just came over. Gorra go.
So, I'm totally pissed because I did a blogger and got to the end of it (It was a long one too) and the damn thing fucked up at the last moment and nothing was published. So I'm screaming at the top of my lungs "Geezus Crap holy as if fuck shit damnit!" So, right now I don't want to really type anything. Okay, so this will be short. Andrew and I talked twice since the big "break up". The first time he spent the time saying sorry, and how happy we both will be, then the second time, I told him I found someone named Ricky, which is actually just a friend of mine that is half hispanic and half europian, like Andrew. I told Andrew that Ricky and I are thinking of loosing our gay virginity together and Andrew got really pissed, so he left. And I was like, sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So mean, I know, but that bastard hurt me. And no, I'm not really dating Ricky. He's one of those guys that look so damn good, but lacks in, um, personal...
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to everyone! I drive around with Rob and we were talking like usual. His wife's a bitch, my life's a bitch. And I mention something about this woman we say. I was like, hey baby, and then I got angry when she didn't respond and drove away. Then I said " I get mad when I don't get what I want" and then he says, being the stupid man that he and all men are, "Well, you must get mad a lot" and I was like into rage because, gezzzz, that's such a bad thing to say at the point of my life that of which I am in right now. Am I over using the words? So, I don't know if I'm mad at Rob or not. Rosie, on the other hand continues to be my stone. She's so good to me. She sent me this poem that I sent to her a long time ago because yesterday I mentioned that I was feeling that I had grown cold inside and feelingless, and she found the poem I sent her just to point out that I do have feelings and I felt it was total...
Hello Folks. Well, there is no more Andrew and I. And, to make matters worse, I stopped eating. 've been drinking a lot of stuff and I didn't even realize that I haven't been eating until Cheryl pointed it out to me. I got on the scale and I looked in shock when I realize I lost 10 more pounds in less than 5 days. I've been going and going without eating and somehow I didn't realize it. I have yet to cry about Andrew and I. I don't know why. I usually cry like a total baby. Esspecial since he dumped me, and not the other way around. Things are so different right now. I'm totally clinging to Rob and Rosie. Rob and I drive around all hours of the day and night and just talk about anything and everything other than our relationships. His wife is a bitch and my fiancee is a quitter. Not much more to say after that. Then I turn to Rosie who's like totally mature and grown up and she tallks and talks about Dan and stuff and it's not that I ...
OMG, okay. Years ago I had this friend named Bruce and he was the like first guy I really had, you know, feelings for. I mean, we never did anything and we both knew where each other stood. I was Bi and he was totally straight. But he was like next in line for Best Friend title behind Andrew J and I totally loved him. But, then about 3 years ago, he moved away. We had been getting really close near the time when he left to the point where I thought he might, you know, give in. But he left, so oh well. Well, I seen him today. He's back in town WITH A BABY ON THE WAY! He's girlfriend who he was with before he left, yeah the one that he broke up with, is pregnant. I was like, ugh! But I guess I'm happy for him. I mean, seeing him stirred up all these emotions and I wasn't ready for that. Anyways! Today I found out when my friend Shawnia is leaving. In June, she'll be going to California to persue her modeling carrerr that I helped her start. She want...
Hello Folks! OMG, I can't believe this weather we are having in Indianapolis! It's totally mild, a little damp with highs in the mid to upper 50's and it's the end of January!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's totally cool. Okay, I was thinking today that I want a baby. lol. I know it's not something people just think about, but I just feel like I want to be a dad right now, but then I got to thinking about the commitment I would have to have to the child, and I quickly dismissed that Ideal. I mean, I want children, but not right now. I'm perfectly happy being Uncle Tommy right now. 3 nieces, 1 nephew, 1 greatgrand Neice and 1 great grand nephew on the way. LOL. all this before I even turn 21. My mom had me way too late. My siter is 30 and my older brother is 39. Anyways, I'm feeling really good about myself and my life right nw. I just don't know why. I've been on this high, if you will, for about a month now. I mean, nothing has chang...
OMG, the Gays of my life are really pissing me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Alphabetical Order, Andrew is up first!!!! I wait for him to get online all the time. Just wait wait wait, because I love him or some bull like that, but he never shows up. I call call call, no answer. It's like, ugh. I mean, he is my boyfriend and we plan on moving in together, I think. Hmmm, are we still doing that? Anyways, it's like I make all this effort in this relationship, and he's making none! Ugh. Next, Johnny! Geezus, it's like he always turns on his away message when I get online and when we do talk, he just all of a sudden stops talking and puts on his away message. It's like, ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Jordan! He gets upset because I tell one little joke that was meant to be totally innocent! Then, he gets mad, eventhough he doesn't act like it, and says that he has to go to bed. It's like, Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then Justin, he comes by my house yeste...
Ugh Ugh Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, two things I totally hate. One is I totally hate when I give a person a nick name, then some one else hears me call that person that nick name , and then they start calling that person the nick name I gave them. UGH!!!!! There's something else I was pissed about, but now I can't remember! Geezus. O well, whatever.
Well, I found out that Rosie is on punishment yet again and won't be able to get online for a while. Only for one hour one Wenesdays, not that I know how to spell that. That's totally bumming me out. Andrew H. and I have been talking and I'm going to call him later. He's like the best guy ever!!!!!!! Geezus, I can't stand not touch him right now. I totally love him for some reason. Well, some other things happening right now, though my life is kinda boring right now, I lost 7 more punds. Yay for me. lol. I haven't seen Cheryl for a week or so now. I think I am avoiding her because things are getting to look like I'm being used to keep her happy with her loser boyfriend, and I want more than that for myself. (Sigh) Anyways, I cleaned my room up today to perfection. It's totally cool. I'm totally waiting for Brit's first brand new movie!!!! I will be the first to see it. OMG, I love her so much (Not in that way). Well, I...
Hey peeps Anywas, to the most important thing in the world; Me. I have a stalker. No, seriously. This girl name Ashley is telling people I sleep with her, and she's forever calling my number. I have like 20 emails from her in email box. She's totally psycho, and I don't know what to do with her. Ugh, popularity is not easy. Anywas, I don't care what anyone say, I like Micheal Jackson's music. People look at me totally weird for saying that, but I do. Sorry. Well, I'm totally tired. Rosie, where the hell are you? Do you not love me anymore. lol. We just haven't been getting on at the same time unless you have me on ignore. :( In other News It don't matter if you're black or white. Billy Jean is not my lover. Janet Jackson is so hot. I'm dead tired.
Okay, I'm back peeps. Anyways, I just wanted to tell Jordan how stupid and sorry I am. I mean, I said some really pissy things, acting like, what my friends call, a preppy little bitch. Jodan, dude, you are such a good person. I mean, even now, you are saying sorry to me because I was such a fucker to you. I mean, Jordan, it wasn't you. It was all me. I was the dick. I don't deserve to be your friend. You should not have to say sorry for anything because you did nothing wrong. You are like, very high on my nice list. You're totally cool (Not to mention cute) and I just wish you wouldn't appoligise to me for nothing. I'm the sorry SOB here. I mean it when I say, I don't deserve you. I mean, even after all I did, you still try to communicate with me in a nice way. You are absoulutly superb. Ugh, why are people so nice. Anyways, to more. Sorry peeps, there are a lot of things I have to say today. On my birthday, and the day after that, Ch...
OMG, I'm old. Happy birthday to me. Yuk, I'm 19 and I feel so old now. I feel like I've fallen and I can't get up. Okay, now, down to business. One rant that I have today is about TV. Ugh, okay, I'm bi, as you all know. Yay yay. But two people almost NEVER represented on tv is a Bi guy, or a homophobic person. It annoys the hell out of me. I mean, someone tell me one show that has a bi guy in it that's not x-rated. It totally suck. And then, no one shows homophobia. It's like, on Six Feet Under, they had one guy that called the black guy a fag, but it wasn't really homophobia because the guy didn't mean he hates gays. And then, when the white guy came out to his brother, to other folks at the bowling ally, or to his sister, they were all like YAY FOR GAY. I mean, everywhere I go I face homophobia. But not in tv. It's a poor representation on the part of television. Not that homophobia should be glorified, but hey., it still ex...
Okay, this is one of my PMS , can't get my thoughts straight blogs. So, yeah, bare with me. Fist, I would like to say that Ryan Phillipee and Heather Lockleire are the sexiest people alive. Anyways, I'm like majorly depressed right now for some reason. Okay, about a few weeks ago, I got hot and heavy with a guy named Justin, and it was like not the right time. So, I told him to stop, and he continued to (way graphic) finger me. I didn't want to fight him off or anything like that, but I didn't want this to happen. I said stop once and I didn't think he would listen if I said it again. So, he finally stopped when he got the clue that I wouldn't do that. So, I told some people what happened, and a friend of mine, Ashley, confronted him and apparently kicked him in his nuts or something, and it was the wrong thing to do because I didn't really tell her the whole story. I mean, it's not Justin's fault. It was mine. And Justin didn...
Dah dah dah dah dah dah dah, you say it's your birthday, dah dah dah dah dah, well happy birthday to ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today , my fellow Americians, is a day to rejoyce. To praise everything you have,. Because, if it weren't for this day, the world just would not be so great. 16 years ago on this day, the earth became more calm and more beautiful. Because, on thei day, my fellow Americians, Ms. Rosie Meyers of West Orange, New Jersey came out of her mothers, um.... womb. So, let this day be happy, Let us celibrate the day of Rosie, because no one else in the world deserves more happiness and love than my Rosie Pie. Love you Rosie. Other News I would tell you about my life, but this day is so special to me that I wish not bring it down. Damnit, they should make this day a holiday.
And to you Jodi Bowman, you rap listenings demented slutty bitch. It's not like I want to hear how you fuck yourself with your finger. Hello, I am surprized you would even want to touch yourself you stupid whore. My advice to Jarvis, run while he can because you are a no good, psycho bitch that needs to be put away from society perminatly. The world would be a better place if you were dead! In Other News I love you Rosie. Muah
I want to screw so bad. 2002 made me the horniest person ever. lmao.