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Blah blah to all that stuff. I'm feeling better. Seriously, I am. I just now need to loose all the weight I've put on in these two weeks, which is a lot of weight. Screw Cory.
Well, it's good news. Ashley, the girl he totally dissed me in front of. Well, she and I have become friends and she says she wants to break up with him. She thinks that he's a self rightious son of a bitch. No offense to Cory's mom. She's very nice. But, Ashley is too nice to break up, so I told her I would help her. We were riding in my car and she was telling me her life story and I realize that this girl and I have a lot in common. It was way cool. So, I am getting over the Cory thing. I know I was acting totally stupid with the suicide shit. I'll be alright.
Okay, so, a astrained friend of mine, Cole, and I started talking again and he's like "pretending" as if he wants me. Kinda weird. But, he is like totally obsessed with getting my pic and wanting to see me on my web cam and all that jazz. I'm sitting there, and realizing this is the type of guy Cory is. It's all about other things besides the getting to know you stuff. I really need a guy or girl that is willing to let me know who he or she is and wants to know who I am. like, Get to know each other and share each other's life. Ugh. Am I a hopeless romantic? Is my bar set too high? Is that why I'm still waiting to loose my gaginty?
Well, anyways, Survivor is comming to an end and I still don't see why they got rid of Ted. That was dumb. Get rid of Clay or Brian. But, I hope Jan wins. She's sweet.
Senator Lott, go to hell you KKK bitch.
OMG, my ADD is so bad. The funniest thing happened. My mom was watching Antigues Road Show (This is typical behavior among the conservative republician freaks) and she seen our cousin with an Artifact that was given to her as a Christmas gift two years ago by us. We knew it was a rare piece, but we didn't know it was worth $4500. My mom was so pissed, and it was so funny to me!
Well, I'm going to go exercise. Bye bye. I love you all.
Rosie, leave Dan for me!
Cory, Burn baby, burn.
Andrew, me miss you.
Where are all my friends at?
OMG, i so need to clean my room.
Nerds are kinda cute.
Ashley has the nicest breast I've ever seen.
Um, ew.

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