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Oh Hi. Ok, so, my cat died. He was 70 in kitty years. It's kinda sad. Who am I kidding, it was a lot of sad. It's so weird after living with someone for 10 years of your life, the next day they are just gone. Of course, I can hear you dumbasses out there saying "Oh it's just a cat" but it's not. HE was my cat, and his name was Booger damnit.
Ok, well, i've also been pissed off at another situation. Well, I have/had a friend, Kelly, who I've been friends with for a while now. Now, I knew before hand she had a problem with racism. Well, had a problem with the words. So, ok, i guess i learned to ignore the n word she sometimes uses because she, i thought, didn't mean it in an offensive way. But the other day, i guess i finally got pissed. I walk up behind kelly talking to her friend and her friend's little girl. Kelly said " ... this nigger was dancing up on me at the club..." Her friend started signaling her to be quiet. When Kelly seen I was there, she turned and said "Oh, Tom knows he's not a nigger" So, I said to myself, "Fuck this" and I stopped talking to and associating with her. It's rather stupid. I guess I somehow was accepted into the KKK. Like, I'm somehow different or better than my relatives. If you know me, you know that I don't like for people to think I'm better than anyone. Sure, I feel that I have a highed understanding of things than most people, but I believe we are all special in one area that the other isn't. But, back on point, I just hate the stupid word, and I hate the fact that I'm pretty sure they didn;'t set that 4 year old little girl down and explain what that word means. So, that little girl most likely will grow up and use that word in a negative tone for anyone non-white. Yeah, that's nice. So fuck Kelly. I will never consider her a friend. I feel sorry for that kid. I just hope that she has a better role model in life than her mother or her "Aunt Kelly" . It's such a shame that we can't take all the hateful hurtful things in life, and embrace differences and love one another. Learn about each other's cultures. Ugh. Nevermind. UI'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said, but yet no one learns.
Well, anyways, I guess I have a boyfriend but I want out. His name is RIcky, and he looks exactly like Andrew ( I thought they were one in the same at one point) but ricky is so boring. No offense, but it's just like "Um, say something interesting" The only thing he's good for is sleeping with. lol. Not that way. I mean, to bed in bed with someone without sex. Just spooning. It's so grea. Yay for me. Geez, I'm so tired. Sorry if this entry is all over the map. I'll update in a day or so. Bye all you sexy people out there.

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