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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
4:10:24 AM EST
Feeling Mischievous
Eating a Chicken Broccoli Hot Pocket
I smell Sex and Candy

I just had to update after the night I had last night and the weekend I had. Lets start with the smaller stuff.

I AM MY SISTERS HUSBAND: Yeah, catchy title, eh? Well, a little back ground. My dear sister "L" is in some sort of relationship with a man double her age. Well, they aren't physical or anything, but they are friendly with one another. So, recently he's had some medical problems and "L" wanted to visit him in the hospital ( And bring him a gigantic basket of fruit and all. Fixed up by her). So I come along because the basket was big and she needed help. We get up to the hospital room, and there he is WITH HIS WIFE! So, I'm sitting back and enjoying the psychology of it all. the wife sense something night right. My sister trying not to say the wrong thing. The guy trying to be happy without being too happy. And then, out of my sister's mouth she tells the wife that I'm her boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO NOT KIDDING. I almost choked. Here I am in my pride gear, and I look like I'm 12 (evil eye to anyone who doubts that) and I'm supposed to be her boyfriend! Ew! So, I just stay back and I don't know what to say. Apparently my sister knew what she was doing, because by looking at the body language in the room, it looked like the wife was more comfortable having my sister there. So, I made up an excuse and went to the bathroom then sat in the lobby. I was Sitting there and I called Ramiro. Mmmmm, Ramiro. Had him laughing off his ass. He asked if he could come by. Um, sure.

Ramiro. Friday Night: So, Ramiro comes over and we hung out all night. A little sip sip. A lot of video games. Lot of touching. And nothing. Nothing. Seriously. He went to sleep on my couch, and I went to sleep on my love seat. awakened at 7 am, and he leaves. DAMNIT IT! What are we? So, a couple days go by and then Last night happened.

Ramiro. Monday Night: So, he buys 10 new games and bought me the new Madonna cd. ( Time goes by, so slowly. Every little thing that you say or do, I'm caught up, hung up on loving you..... sorry, let me shut up) He he totally kicks my ass in all 10 games. So, he wants to teach me to dance. Since we did have Madonna, I mean, what was my choice. So, we're close and he's teaching a bump like dance. Yeah, this is hot. :D . So, after a while, we get worked up. And, I then just get tired of it and I start feeling him up. When I realized that it's ok with him, I go down on him in my living room with my mother just up the stairs. He was so nervous, but interesting enough, I wasn't. He wanted to return the favor, but I forced him to just sit back and enjoy it. And, from the end result, I think he did. Well, so, I'm still asking the question. WHAT ARE WE? Boyfriends? Um, what. I'm so confused

So I don't know what's going on. I gotta figure it out. And next post I gotta talkk about something other than Ramiro. So, in the next post, I will on mention him in a few sentences. I'll focus more on :







Written by thomasdimera

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