Hey my peeps. I'm laying in my bed listening to Jewel. The old Jewel. Who will save your soul to be exact. I'm totally depressed today for some reason. I got out of Psychology class today and went to my job just to be near Cory. It's so pathetic. And I was just all cryey and sad all day. I just feel something is wrong and I feel like I want to die, but I don't think I'll ever do it. Seriously, I don't know the reason or what triggered this bout of depression. Okay, crying again. Geezus. i wish I had someone I can talk to right now. I have like no real friends that I can talk to about stuff except for Cory and Bridgette. But Cory is probabley with his little girlfriend right now and Bridgett's just not going to respond to me like I need. She's too young to understand things. She's a sweet girl and all, but there's so much she doesn't knoe about me period. Pkay, I'll try to watch David Letterman and laugh. If not, I'll just take like six sleeping pills and go to bed.
Feeling Flirtatious
Hearing Tennis -Federer Vs Hewitt
Tennis...The sport of Class
Well, hello there. Wanna come over? I'm friggen horny.
So, okay, I'm watching tennis which is now in a rain delay and having orgasms because Tennis is my favorite sport and, of course, I'm so in love with Paola Suarez. OMG, yummy! Also I'm in love with Roger Federer. OMG, how sexy is he?!?!?!
Ok, I shouldn't watch tennis. lol. I mean, all tennis players are so sexy. Yeah, that's right, I play tennis. Ugh. I wanna get back into some competitions. I'm on the right track though. In June I lost 17 pounds, so I should start working on my serve a little more. Haven't been on a court in a while now. Sucks.
Well, um, Antonio did call and yeah, we've been out on a few more dates. I don't think it's going anywhere unfortunatly. We have some different Ideals about things. I dunno. i don';t feel like talking about them right now. m...