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I am the hairy toe! Yes, yes I am.

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at target="new">

Yeah, okay, so it's been like a month. Been going thru a lot. So, bare with me if I go on too long or if the events of my life are out of order.
So, for a while I had an actual boyfriend names Brian. He was really sweet to me when we first meet. But now, after four days of going out, we broke up. Ugh. My life is such a total bummer at times. I've only told Cheryl whagt happened, because she's my bestest friend and all. But, everyone keeps wanting to know what happened. Well, right now, I'm willing to make a statement on the issue. I'm not about to tell you all what happen. I just wish to say that, contrary to popular belief, Brian did not take my gay virginity. God people, we went out for four days. Geezus! You think I wanted 19 years to loose my virgin in four nights. So, people, please stop assuming you know me and my life because you don't!
I've been talking to Andrew H. a lot. I think he's growing tired of me. Like, everytime I see him online, I IM him in like 10 seconds, if that. And I call him all the time. I just love him a lot. Not the boyfriend kind of love. I just need him. I crave him. lol. OMG, I sound like a total psycho. Everytime I hear that song, Downtown, by Vanessa carlton I think her name is, I think of him. (Sigh). I love him, but I don't love him like that, but I could easily love him like that if things were different.
So, I've been driving everywhere in my new car. Thursday, the 8th, I have tickets to Cheryl Crow and Train!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! I love Cheryl Crow.
OMG, I haven't eaten any meat for about 2 and a half weeks. It's because of a few things. One, because Andrew is a Vegan.which is something I would love to acheive one day. And, because, I started this plan to improve myself. And, I started a diet and meat just isn't healthy at all. So, I've been reading literature about vegannism and all that jazz. I even got my liscense plate specialize. It says "Enviroment" and part of the fees go to the wild life fund. So, improving pysical health is my biggest obsticle. I also need to improve my mental self. I'm now working on my add. I'm reading more books/ And, I've really calmed down about a lot of my worries. I'm learning to relax more. I've started meditating. People say they are noticing a difference. Like my friend Bruce, being the sweetheart that he is, comes up to me and says, "Tommy,what's going on with you. You seem better somehow. I've noticed a change" And I was like "Yeah" And he was like., " It's very sexy" lol. He's very cute, and very married. So, it was a joke, but it was still sweet.
My mommy is sleeping right now. I just gave her a kiss. Just thought I would tell you want I just did. It's been such a long time since I've been able to be nice to my mom. She is very republician, thus, she's doesn't approve of anything I do, or who I do them with, but I get the feeling she's changing as well. She's made some mention of the fact that she knows I'm bi. But, it's a subject I shut down immediatly. Well, mainly, because I plan on comming out to her soon, and I don't want her to out me. I think our relationship will grow.
Well, okay, I have to leave, but I just want to inform you all, I'll be starting classes August 21st! I'm totally hyped and scared and all that all together. I went to oreintation. OMG, soooooooooo many hot guys. How ever will I do them all. lol. Silly Preppy boy. Okay, I'm off. Love you all. (Hug)

In Other News
Cheryl is comming back from Vacation Tomorrow
Britney Spears is on DVD
JOsh Harnett is so hot
Have you heard that "Lick it now, lick it good" song? OMFG
I need to clean my room.

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