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Hello People!!!!!!!!! Okay, Tennis semi-finals and finals are on!!!!!!!!!! I'm so pulling for Tim Henman because, mainly, he's going to be my future husband. Tommy Henman. Hmmmm. I like Tommy Hernendez better. Or TOmmy Meyers. lol. Tommy Meyers I dunno what the hell I'm talking about. Okay, so what's been going on with me? Well, I was kinda worried about my friend (?) Andrew because it's like flooding and stuff down in San Antonio. And the news say that 7 people have died. And I'm like, omg, why hasn't Andrew been online.Then he comes on, and I'm like "Oh Thank God" . Not that I care or anything. (Shut up Rosie) Yeah, Rosie is on vacation in Michigan and stuff and I was going to go on vacation, and I got totally sick and couldn;t go anywhere. It's like a curse! Hmmm, and Andrew is wicca. Naw, let me not go there.
So, Cheryl and I haven't seen each other in a while. I'm thinking about her. Eventhough I don't want to. Just little thoughts of her. What she's doing. What she's wearing? What she smells like? LOL. Am I weird or what?
Damnit, Tim has just lost the first set. Sucks for me.
I just gave my address to this lesbian friend of mine, Julie. I'm usually weirded out about giving my address, but some odd reason, I feel totally safe with her. I love talking to her. We have so much in common, and the things that we don't have in common, we really don't have it in common. Like, if we disagree on something, she's way to the left and I'm way to the right.
Anyways, I must go for now. I'm pulling off a major scheme!

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