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Um, why does everything bad happen to me? Okay, started two thursdays ago. My class had planned a pizza party, and being the nice guy that I am, I told the professor and all that I would buy it. I made arranments with my sister to drop off the pizzas on campus being that I was in class at the time and could not go out and get the pizzas myself. So, okay, I told her my professor would be down to pick them up at Canvanough Hall, a building on campus that is very assesible from the streets. So, my proffessor goes down and wait at the spot and the bitch never shows. Sorry. So, my whole class was mad and grumpy because they were promised pizza and never got it. After that, I wasn't talking to my sister at all because I paid $50+ for no pizza and angry classmates. I'm still not talking to her. She told my mom that she dropped the pizzas off at "the office" What office. It's a big fucking campus. Did I tell her to drop them off at "the office" No, I specifically said to hand the pizza's off to my proffessor or me when we come down. So, naturally, my evil ass mother takes her side. My mom starts yelling at me saying, "Well, at least she took them to you" Am I the only one that thinks my mom is the dumbest republician to ever live by saying that staement? This pissed me off so bad, I totallly slammed the door in her face.
So, as I go on, my fucking new car starts acting strange and bumping. So, I had to miss class so I could go and get my stupid car fixed. That was $200. Ugh! Then, Cory, being the jackass that he is, got moody with me for some reason on Saturday and told me to leave, and I'm like, what the fuck did I do. SO, I said, fine, go to hell. Then, come to find out that Cheryl and Cory are starting to date. Yeah, dating. The girl I lost my virginity to and the guy with whom my heart was totally into . So, I haven't talked to them. And, to make matters worst, the Republicains have gained power and that's totally pissing me off. I so wish I would die and vcome back to haunt the world.
So, last night I was driving and my right head light went out. Ugh! So, I got to have that fixed because I know nothing about how to fix a car. I'm a computer type person. Geezus. I swear, if I had a gun......... Well, that's all the good news people. I gotta go now.

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