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Well, I found out that Rosie is on punishment yet again and won't be able to get online for a while. Only for one hour one Wenesdays, not that I know how to spell that. That's totally bumming me out. Andrew H. and I have been talking and I'm going to call him later. He's like the best guy ever!!!!!!! Geezus, I can't stand not touch him right now. I totally love him for some reason.
Well, some other things happening right now, though my life is kinda boring right now, I lost 7 more punds. Yay for me. lol. I haven't seen Cheryl for a week or so now. I think I am avoiding her because things are getting to look like I'm being used to keep her happy with her loser boyfriend, and I want more than that for myself. (Sigh) Anyways, I cleaned my room up today to perfection. It's totally cool.
I'm totally waiting for Brit's first brand new movie!!!! I will be the first to see it. OMG, I love her so much (Not in that way). Well, I'm going to go. some drunk straight guy is hitting on me. Bye lovers.
In Other News
I'm starting to Collect Buffy the Vampire Slayer merchindise.
Where's Monica Lewensky?
Love you Rosie
Love you Andrew H.
Love you Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky

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