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Okay, this is one of my PMS , can't get my thoughts straight blogs. So, yeah, bare with me.
Fist, I would like to say that Ryan Phillipee and Heather Lockleire are the sexiest people alive.
Anyways, I'm like majorly depressed right now for some reason. Okay, about a few weeks ago, I got hot and heavy with a guy named Justin, and it was like not the right time. So, I told him to stop, and he continued to (way graphic) finger me. I didn't want to fight him off or anything like that, but I didn't want this to happen. I said stop once and I didn't think he would listen if I said it again. So, he finally stopped when he got the clue that I wouldn't do that. So, I told some people what happened, and a friend of mine, Ashley, confronted him and apparently kicked him in his nuts or something, and it was the wrong thing to do because I didn't really tell her the whole story. I mean, it's not Justin's fault. It was mine. And Justin didn't defend his self to her, and I feel so fucking bad right now because I always ruin other people's lives. It's totally wrong. I don't know how I'm going to make it up to Justin, but I'll see him tomorrow.
Well, anyways, Andrew H. is pissed at. He thinks that I think he's not cute because he sent a picture of himself to me, and I was kidding around and said he looked like crap. He's totally cute though. He's so sensative, and that's one thing I totally love about him. We are talking more and more about moving in together somewhere, but, of course, I'm not sure at all. I don't want to start off with a bad gay relationship and I feel he's not really commitment material. It figures I would fall in love with someone like that.
Cheryl and I are growing farther apart because it seems like she's dating all my friends. Doug, Jason, etc. Though her "official" boyfriend is Jimmy, she still loves to hang and flirt with my friends. I just don't know anymore. And when I tell her how I feel about this, she totally shuts down and I feel alienated.
There's more but I have to go make myself throw up .

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