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Okay, I'm back peeps. Anyways, I just wanted to tell Jordan how stupid and sorry I am. I mean, I said some really pissy things, acting like, what my friends call, a preppy little bitch. Jodan, dude, you are such a good person. I mean, even now, you are saying sorry to me because I was such a fucker to you. I mean, Jordan, it wasn't you. It was all me. I was the dick. I don't deserve to be your friend. You should not have to say sorry for anything because you did nothing wrong. You are like, very high on my nice list. You're totally cool (Not to mention cute) and I just wish you wouldn't appoligise to me for nothing. I'm the sorry SOB here. I mean it when I say, I don't deserve you. I mean, even after all I did, you still try to communicate with me in a nice way. You are absoulutly superb.
Ugh, why are people so nice. Anyways, to more. Sorry peeps, there are a lot of things I have to say today. On my birthday, and the day after that, Cheryl and I were, um, together again. Okay okay okay! Rosie already chewed me out about it because she's still with her boyfriend and all. But, I don't think anyone knows how much I just need to feel close to someone. I was feeling very lonely then, and being with Cheryl put me back in the right state of mine. My depression is almost gone again. This just click when Cheryl and I are together. Well, like my grandmother says, "True love is the love that no one can explain, or figure out"
In Other News
Madiline Albright is my hero
I'm 19 Now
My penis is 6 iches long. LMAO
I'm going to take a shower and go to bed.

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