OMG, the Gays of my life are really pissing me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Alphabetical Order, Andrew is up first!!!! I wait for him to get online all the time. Just wait wait wait, because I love him or some bull like that, but he never shows up. I call call call, no answer. It's like, ugh. I mean, he is my boyfriend and we plan on moving in together, I think. Hmmm, are we still doing that? Anyways, it's like I make all this effort in this relationship, and he's making none! Ugh. Next, Johnny! Geezus, it's like he always turns on his away message when I get online and when we do talk, he just all of a sudden stops talking and puts on his away message. It's like, ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Jordan! He gets upset because I tell one little joke that was meant to be totally innocent! Then, he gets mad, eventhough he doesn't act like it, and says that he has to go to bed. It's like, Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then Justin, he comes by my house yesterday and tells me he was feeling lonely or some bull like that. He stays over night, and strips down to his undies and it's like he tease me and then he tells me it was a big mistake to ever "get, like, really into things with you" and it's like Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Rosie never gets online, because he stupid punishment so I can't tell all this to her, so it's like a bigger ugh. And last but not least Sam, who is a newer friend of mine, just broke up with his boyfriend of 5 years and he's totally depressed and talking about suicide and stuff like that, and I'm like Ugh. So Ugh to you all. Geezus, I need a vacation.
Feeling Flirtatious
Hearing Tennis -Federer Vs Hewitt
Tennis...The sport of Class
Well, hello there. Wanna come over? I'm friggen horny.
So, okay, I'm watching tennis which is now in a rain delay and having orgasms because Tennis is my favorite sport and, of course, I'm so in love with Paola Suarez. OMG, yummy! Also I'm in love with Roger Federer. OMG, how sexy is he?!?!?!
Ok, I shouldn't watch tennis. lol. I mean, all tennis players are so sexy. Yeah, that's right, I play tennis. Ugh. I wanna get back into some competitions. I'm on the right track though. In June I lost 17 pounds, so I should start working on my serve a little more. Haven't been on a court in a while now. Sucks.
Well, um, Antonio did call and yeah, we've been out on a few more dates. I don't think it's going anywhere unfortunatly. We have some different Ideals about things. I dunno. i don';t feel like talking about them right now. m...