So, it's been a few months. I know. Life has been a total bitch recently. I'm horny beyond beliefe (Yes, even we get horny), I've lost 10 pounds. I know, people might think that is a good thing, But my doctor says it's not. My mom has to have surgery because of a gull bladder situation whatever the hell that is. Dyed my hair to a lighter level of strawberry blonde. I like it. I went shopping, so that took about two weeks. I got some really neat things this time. More assessories than norms. Rosie and I aren't talking. Shawna and I aren't talking. I have one hundred guys hitting on me. I have ten thousand girls hitting on me. But, no one wants to talk before we get down and dirty. I had to go to the hospital for exhaustion. That was shopping week. I take fashion way too seriously. I've had to go to party after party after party. So many parties, to where you just want to go home so bad and get on the internet and go to sleep. Never thought I would feel that way about parties. Okay, those are just a few of my excuses. So, from now on I will be updating my blogger regularly. I love you all.
Feeling Flirtatious
Hearing Tennis -Federer Vs Hewitt
Tennis...The sport of Class
Well, hello there. Wanna come over? I'm friggen horny.
So, okay, I'm watching tennis which is now in a rain delay and having orgasms because Tennis is my favorite sport and, of course, I'm so in love with Paola Suarez. OMG, yummy! Also I'm in love with Roger Federer. OMG, how sexy is he?!?!?!
Ok, I shouldn't watch tennis. lol. I mean, all tennis players are so sexy. Yeah, that's right, I play tennis. Ugh. I wanna get back into some competitions. I'm on the right track though. In June I lost 17 pounds, so I should start working on my serve a little more. Haven't been on a court in a while now. Sucks.
Well, um, Antonio did call and yeah, we've been out on a few more dates. I don't think it's going anywhere unfortunatly. We have some different Ideals about things. I dunno. i don';t feel like talking about them right now. m...