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Ok, I promise no creepy sexual stuff this time. LOL. Well, maybe just a little.

So, I've been watching the Olympics because you know I'm a deep lover of other cultures. Yes, i get turned on by some of the athletes, but that's not the point. I just love other countries and the culture richness of the whole Olympic thing.
My favorite events are tennis,the women's gymnastics and any of the games involving a bow and arrow or gun. So, that's a departure from "me" . I don;'t like hunting and I really don't like sports at all. But, I don't know why it's so different with the Olympics that compel me to watch. I also like watching male gymnastics for a very nonsportish reason. lol. Forgive me. Which brings me to a very funny joke. Ok, not really a joke, but today I was watching the running/sprinting and there is a guy that came in first by the name Tyson Gay. So, they were talking about how he edged out a teammate earlier on by the name of Walter Dix. So, Gay took gold and Dix took silver. So, first Gay then Dix. Gay Dix. Lol. I'm the most immature person today and I want to apologies. Forgive me! PLEASE PLEASE FORGIVE ME.

I'm rather childish I know. This mood really happens when I'm having a sorta stressful time. I'm not one to mope. My mother and I had a fight last night. She's a very emotional person and we both have very strong personalities, so it's just not happening. The fight was over something silly, which brings up everything. Of course I think I'm right in the situation. My mother loves to spend and spend and spend and then complain that she is broke. I try to talk some sense into her about going farther and farther into dept, but she never wants to listen. What would I know. I'm just a kid.

So, yeah, I don't want to focus on that issue. I don't even know why I brought it up. Damn me. (Slaps self) So, back to greater issues, I'm really head deep in the campaigns out there and the advancements of rights for ALL people. Yeah, campaign season is such a bitch, but someone has to be out there. Lazy club queers won't make a showing. Let me shut up again.

I swear, I can be such a homophobe sometimes. I've made great strives in being less of a homophobe, but sometimes I can really get down right angry with my people. Love them to death though. As you may recall, I had major issues earlier this year with that. Ive come a long way in less than a year thanks to my dear friends. Of course my church as well.

Well, I'm going out this weekend and partying it up. Yay. I have quite a few of engagements that I have to attend. It's going to be a tiring and very fun weekend with people (and a certain person) that I absolutely adore.

Well, not much in the update today. I am sure I will have much more to disgust Early next week.

- No, I'm not pregnant
-I've started writing on a new short story. This one is a Autobiographical account of Alejandro. Yes, for those who know who Alejandro is, I'm finally at a stage where I can write and CONCLUDE this chapter. For those who do not yet know, you will understand me A LOT better after this book
- I LOST 10 POUNDS!!!!!!!! This diet is working for me. Now, I have to remain faithful to it!
- I finally have a facebook. LMAO! You know how long it took me to get a myspace and a cell phone. Look how contemporary I am.
- Yes, I'm still horny
- Remember, my church wants you.
- It's so wrong for me to put those two last statements next to one another.
-Love you all!!!!!

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