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Hey my people. As promised, here's another blog, though it's late. Sorry. I will not make it up though.

Let me start this blog by saying the following; Listen I love all my friends and I know they love me, but I know some people don't want to hear about certain things. You may want to skip this blog if you have a problem with gay stuff (sexually) or have a problem with any type of talk about sex. My church friends, you should skip this blog. My friends who don't want to think of me as a human sexual being, skip this. My relatives, please skip this. I am not going to get like super graphic or anything like that, but I'm going to honestly talk about a couple things in recent history for me. I posted a previous post from "back in the day" for you all to read if you are not going to read this one.

Ok, so, you want to continue on. Fine. lol. I don't really have much to say. I've just been God awful horny lately. Sucks for me because I'm not one to go out and just do anything that approached me. I've been lucky enough to have a few offers. So what if they were from very old guys. I would do them, honestly. If only they had personality of any sort other than horndog.

So, Monday of last week, I was getting my business taken care of. As I continued on, there was a rather handsome Latino Guy outside a little ice cream parlor on the south side. He had a huge..... ice cream cone. We were stopped at a light and this guy started licking and eating the ice cream. IT WAS SOOOOO FRIGGEN HOT. I did something I try to avoid doing... Popped a boner. Yes, it's like High school has never ended for me. Those uncontrollable boners that pop up when ever they damn well please. Turn light! Turn!!!!! It finally did, and we continued on towards my house, when a guy in his 40's I would guess, pulls up next to us. Another light. Damnit! So, he's not looking bad at all in his convertible. He proceeds to pop off his shirt! Holy crap, I 'm thinking to myself. And there it went again. Mr. happy -Go - Lucky (The name of my little penis friend down there) made another appearance.

At this point, I'm sexually frustrated beyond belief. To seek relief in the way of masturbation is not an easy option for me. I've never to been able to just jerk off. I'm a total woman when it comes to needing that emotional connection to get off. Porn... I don't know. I don't like porn unless it's soft core and it's not something I can really use to get off either. Truth be told, I have in the past. It's funny, though, in the middle of it all, I just get pissed because I can't have that what they are having. Also like a woman, I can't just jerk and be finished in about 10 minutes. It takes an extreme amount of horniness and about a good 45 minutes to an hour on a good day.
The point I'm trying to make is when I got home Monday, it didn't really take any off that. Yes, I was a real guy and I did what I've been trying to do for years. (Wait, that doesn't sound right. I don't try all the time. lol) I was able to achieve an orgasm in about 15 minutes with self stimulation. It's a good thing, I swear.

For those who think this takes the place of a real man with whom I love and devout myself to, WRONG! Still searching for the soulmate!
I've not attempted to do that again though I feel my horniness growing again. It was nice to "take care" of myself. I'm not a great role model by saying that, I know. And I pray that no one from church reads this. Especially since this week I asked about becoming the Leader of my communion team. But, I'm not ashamed of my sexuality, it's just that I've not really talked about it much in such a public way.

So, why now? I don't know. I'm just over caring about the judgements passed about me. I'm just coming to a point where freedom from society and all it's problems is my goal.

So, not much more to say after that. lol. I'm going to post one of my previous blogs for the people who didn't read this one , so they'll have something else to read. Love you all. Take care of yourself (lol. Pun sooooo intended) .

Buh bye!

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