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My Endorsements!

It's my favorite time of year again!!!!!! ELECTION SEASON!

Usually by now, I would already have decided who I was voting for and endorsing, but this year we have the power to change so much and there are sooooo many qualified people running that I just had to do extensive research on each canidate.

Now, these endorsements are only for the Primary Elections coming up on May 6th. Now, being that I am NOT a republican and not a democrat, my endorsment are based soley on the extensive research and moral soul searching I've done over the last several months. Now, I was going to call channel 6 directly and let them know of my endorsements, but rioting and all that would soon follow, so I have decided to do them in this way.

Now, since I am more of a democrat than I am a republican and in the primaries you must make a choice, my endorsements are for the democrats. But, I would like to send a message to my republican friends about the 7th district seat for Congress. I hope that Jon Elrod gets the republican nomination. I've meet with Jon and I've gotten to know who he is and what he stands for and I'm telling you this, he is a superb person and I GREAT canidate. If he wins the Republican Nomination, depending on who the democrats nominate on the other side, I'm very inclined to vote for Jon.

Now, to my official endorsements.

Lets start off with Governor for the state of Indiana. Shocking, but I endorse NONE OF THEM. Mitch Daniels (R), Jill Long Thompson (D), and Jim Schellinger (D) all suck major ass. I hope that in the General Election that Andy Horning (L) has a very strong placing!

Now, for the Presidental Nomination, I'm endorsing Hillary Clinton. ( I know that I've just pissed off some of my friends, but they should have known that I don't vote according to what my friends wants. I vote my mind and morals. Obama is a nice enough guy but I love Hillary)

For the US Congress 7th district Seat, I am endorsing David Orentlicher. I've meet David on serval occasions with my dear Julia Carson. David has such vision and such a firm grip on what is needed of our politicians. Many people ask why I do not endorse her Grandson, Andre Carson. Andre is a great canidate and I love him as well. But when it boils down to the issues where I am concerned, David Orentlicher has a clear vision and voice for what we all need.

Now, I'm finished. I know in certain disctricts there are other canidate and all that jazz, but those are my only endorsements. I hope that if you share my person vision for what is to come and in hopes of providing better for this nations people, that you strongly consider the canidates that I endorse. They are the finest of fine and I feel I have a very established understanding as to where they stand through my research over the last several months. Vote your mind, but more importantly JUST FRIGGEN VOTE.

Remember, if anyone needs a ride to a polling place, I'm totally willing to get it done for you. It's very important to me! I wish you all well and thank you for considering my canidates!

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