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Hey Peeps, I just discovered Brett Dennen about a month ago. His song is on my profile. I'm just so in love with the lyrics he sing and I wanted to post a song up. PLEASE SUPPORT HIM AND BUY THE ALBUM. I have not gone a day since discovering him without listening to the album.

There is so much more
by Brett Dennen

When I heard the news,My heart fell on the floorI was on a plane on my way to BaltimoreIn these trouble times it's hard enough as it isMy soul has a known a better life than thisI wonder how so many can be in so much pain,While others don't seem to feel a thing Then I curse my whiteness, And I get so damn depressed,In a world with suffering,Why should I be so blessed?I heard about a women who lives in Colorado,She built a monoment of sorts behind the garage doorWhere everyday she prays for all whom are bornAnd all whose souls have passed onSometimes my trouble gets so thickI can't see how Im gonna get through itBut then I'd rather be stuck up in a treeThen be tied to itThere is so much more.I don't feel comfortable witt the way my clothes fitI can't get used to my bodys limitsI got some fancy shoes to try and giggle away these bluesThey cost a lot of money but they aren't worth a thingI wanna free my feet from the broken glass and concreteI need to get out of this city Lay apon the ground stare a hole in the skyWondering where I go when I dieWhen I die

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