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A Blog about nothing
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Category: Life

Hey. This is just a blog about nothing. I just wanted to clear up a few things.

Recently, I've been taking notice about what people have been saying about me. Ad if you're one of those people who says " Well it doesn't matter what other people think about you" Well, you're effen wrong because reputation is need and others perception of you won't make or break you, but it can be insightful at time. Here are a few actual quote that I would like to either deny, defend, or affirm.

"Tommy is a slut/ho/whore" - Wrong. I've not had many "lovers" at all. I'm flirty yes, but I never take the next steps. In high school, I was very um, slutty, some could say, but I've not been for years now. Next.

" Tommy is mean" - Professionally, I can be somewhat hard on my employees. Hell, ok, to be honest, down right devious. I've gained nicknames. (chef ramsey, Boss Bitch, Slavemaster, etc) I am good at what I do and I want to surround myself with people who can achieve greatness. The weak are eaten, yes, but the rewards I give my great employees are well worth it. As for my personal life, nothing can be farther from the truth. I'm the most passive quiet person you'd ever meet personally. Ask anyone who's been with me outside of work, and they are actually shocked by my nature.

"Tommy is selfcentered/conceited/self absorbed" - I can not be the judge of this one folks. As with everyone, I have many of faults. But in my everyday life, I never bring up one. I work on my faults privately. In turn, however, I do go on rather much about my good qualities. I'm proud of hat I have, who I am, and what I do. I rather speak of the good things about me rather than the others. I don't know what that would make me though.

"Tommy is on drugs" - absolutely false. I don't even take prescription drugs anymore. The last and only illegal drug I've had was when I was 16 and I had half of a marijuana joint.

"Tommy is an alcoholic" - Debatable. I never drink to gt drunk though I few times I did end up in that state. I rarely drink, quite frankly.

" Tommy is 'crazy' " - I'm not sure. I've been diagnosed with severe depression, bipolar disorder, DID, OCD, ADD, and all this other crap. Am I crazy, though. No. I behave different than most. I do a lot of introspection and a lot of psychoanalysis upon myself and that may make people think that I'm looney. I do change once I see something in myself I do not like. So, you be the judge. I dunno.

" Tommy is Gay" - Not really. I fid females attractive and I could see myself falling in love with one. I really don't check the pants first. But, I guess I say I'm gay because I can just as easily fall for a guy and because I like Cher. LOL.

"Tommy has 'mob/Mafia' connection" - Some of my dads friends were involved in "mob Mafia" like stuff, but it wasn't like killing people and all that stuff. And my ex es family were very much like a " mob/Mafia" . But, no. I'm personally not connected with any of that and it's not like what you see on TV. TV EXAGGERATES A LOT OF THINGS. Murder and all that crap to be exact.

"Tommy has done porn on the internet" - Um, yeah, but that a long story and I was young and I was not a porn star and it was with my ex and it was only one night when we were on a stupid webcam site and only a few people saw it and it didn't really show my face and it wasn't really porn.

"Tommy died" - I swear to god someone told some people I went to high school with that I had did from my illness. It's always weird when someone recognizes me at work and I have to figure out f they thought I was dead. I did not die people. Honestly!

"Tommy is a great friend to have" - Actually heard that from a few people. It's true.

I hope this cleared up some confusion for some of you. Love you all and God bless. Oh, one other one. Yes, I am a Buddhist Christian. I try to practice the values of both. There are more similarities in both than people would like to admit. Do I follow all the priciples of either---- No. I never said I was a Great Buddhist or a fantastic Christian but it's all part of me trying to better myself. I get an "A" For effort anyways, right?

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