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Feeling Angry
Mother of friggen God!
So, now you know why I do not post on friggen blogger! I typed like 15 more paragraphs to the previous post, and then I pressed the font function, and it was all erased. ( evil look ) So, now that AOL is back up and running, I will post here and copy there like I always do so I can make sure it will get post. ( angry look )

LIKE CHILDREN DO: So, what I was trying to say, stuff has happened with Kevin. Monday, I did finally get in contact with him and all he could do is ask what happened Saturday. I kept alluding the situation, until he finally got so upset that he hung up on me. So, Tuesday he didn't call, and I didn't call him. I wake up Wednesday morning and he's laying next to me. My niece had let him in Tuesday night and he crawled into bed with me unbeknownst to me. So, when I woke up, I was happy for all of 2 minutes. Then he woke up and the first thing out of his mouth was about Saturday. I got pissed and got ready for work and ignored him. So, Thursday, he didn't call, I didn't call. Friday when I got home from work, I had a message from him saying he's sorry and if I could hang out at his job so we can do something after he got off. So, I get to the club around 11:30 and got some drinks in me, and Kevin made it known that there was this queer totally hitting on him all night. And, Kevin apparently trying to anger me, did nothing to stop this. How mature! So what does my stupid half drunk self do. Well, I danced! I'm a horrible dancer unless I'm drunk. lol. Anyways, I get out and dance, and there was this guy all on me. And then, I made sure Kevin knew what was going on out there. So, the guy (sorry, i didn't bother to get his name) somehow got me out side to the parking lot. He starts to kiss on me and no nothing happened. After he whipped out his cock and trying to get me into his truck. I stopped him immediatly. Even drunk, I have sense. Eventhough it was damn stupid for me to go out there in the first place. But the guy was nice about it. He appoligised and went on his way. (Driving drunk I might add) . So, I got in Kevins car and fell asleep in the back seat (exhaustion). Kevin gets in around 2:30 and wakes me up. Apparently he was totally oblivious to me walking out there with the dude. He thought I just got really tired and came out here to sleep. Oh well. I didn't bother filling him in on anything. We went to his apartment and he wanted to have sex, but I fell asleep. ( Now you know it's complete exhaustion if I'm unwilling to have sex with Kevin ) So, Saturday when he got home, we did what I couldn't do Friday. Yay! It was fantastic ! Then, there's that wonderful Sunday afternoon. I wake up, and he's obviously in a bad mood. And he asked about what happened last saturday again. So, yeah, we continued with the song and dance until I did something so stupid. I told him he shouldn't be worried about what happened Saturday. He should be more worried about what's going on at my job. ( Tommy's a stupid crack ho ) Holy crap, it was on then. He was raging mad. He started questioning me about that. And I told him exactly what has been going on recently. ( I'm sorry, due to some circumstances beyond my control at this point, I can not publicly say what exact is going on. But if you send me an email at I would kindly fill you in exactly. Just have to make sure the wrong people don't get the information and cost me my job. ) Well, he stormed out saying " Fuck you Tommy, fuck you Tommy and your fucking piece of shit mexican" Yeah. Let me clear this up, I did not have sex with anyone else yet. So, what happened was not sex. Jhoeny, if you're reading this, I already told you about it. So, that brings me to today. I'm supposed to do something Today, but I don't know if I will. That's the reason, actually that I'm up at 5 am. The "Piece of shit Mexican" ask me to do something and I'm actually considering it. Wish I could ask Jhoeny what to do. But, as far as Kevin goes, he didn't call at all yesterday so it may be over. I'm not sure. Do I want it to be? No, not really. I was just getting comfy with Kevin. I just have a lot to think about right now.

Ok, well, I will update Sunday and let you know all the conclusion I came up with and yeah. I need God and Jhoeny.

Love you all, and God bless!
Written by thomasdimera

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