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AndyDrew" [11:08 P.M.]: LMAO
"Tommy D." [11:09 P.M.]: Sick of all you mexicans
"AndyDrew" [11:09 P.M.]: omg
"AndyDrew" [11:09 P.M.]: what?
"Tommy D." [11:09 P.M.]: Well, I am. sorry
"Tommy D." [11:09 P.M.]: I'm not raciest and I don't hate mexicans "AndyDrew" [11:10 P.M.]: ok
"Tommy D." [11:10 P.M.]: So before you even start on that "AndyDrew" [11:10 P.M.]: i wasnt even going there
"AndyDrew" [11:10 P.M.]: geeze
"Tommy D." [11:10 P.M.]: Yeah, whatever
"Tommy D." [11:10 P.M.]: You've depressed me
"AndyDrew" [11:10 P.M.]: Why Tommy?
"Tommy D." [11:10 P.M.]: Just because
"AndyDrew" [11:10 P.M.]: no tell me
"AndyDrew" [11:10 P.M.]: whats wrong?
"Tommy D." [11:11 P.M.]: Porque? Tu no gusto me
"Tommy D." [11:11 P.M.]: Wait, is that right>
"AndyDrew" [11:11 P.M.]: um i dont know
"Tommy D." [11:11 P.M.]: I was trying to say "why does it matter? You don't like me"
"AndyDrew" [11:12 P.M.]: lol
"AndyDrew" [11:12 P.M.]: because im your friend and yes i do like you
"Tommy D." [11:13 P.M.]: Yeah, you say that
"Tommy D." [11:13 P.M.]: Ugh
"Tommy D." [11:13 P.M.]: Headache now
"AndyDrew" [11:13 P.M.]: aww
"Tommy D." [11:14 P.M.]: Shit, I can';t find my anti-Andrew (Otherwise known as tylonol)
"AndyDrew" [11:14 P.M.]: wtf
"AndyDrew" [11:14 P.M.]: how mean is that
"Tommy D." [11:15 P.M.]: Lo siento
"Tommy D." [11:15 P.M.]: I meant, my anti-mexican
"AndyDrew" [11:15 P.M.]: um i see
"Tommy D." [11:15 P.M.]: You know you are all nothing but a fucking headache
"AndyDrew" [11:15 P.M.]: whatever
"Tommy D." [11:15 P.M.]: It
"Tommy D." [11:15 P.M.]: 's true
"AndyDrew" [11:16 P.M.]: how?
"Tommy D." [11:16 P.M.]: Nothing but fucking users
"AndyDrew" [11:16 P.M.]: wtf
"Tommy D." [11:16 P.M.]: And sooooo fucking self assured
"AndyDrew" [11:16 P.M.]: what is the matter?
"AndyDrew" [11:16 P.M.]: you having problems with your bf?
"Tommy D." [11:16 P.M.]: What boyfriend
"Tommy D." [11:16 P.M.]: I dont have one
"AndyDrew" [11:17 P.M.]: you told me the other night that you had a boyfriend
"Tommy D." [11:17 P.M.]: Because of another mexican
"Tommy D." [11:17 P.M.]: There you go
"Tommy D." [11:17 P.M.]: I did have one
"AndyDrew" [11:17 P.M.]: oh wow , what happened?
"Tommy D." [11:17 P.M.]: He broke up because of another mexican at my job
"Tommy D." [11:17 P.M.]: And he goes " fuck you and your piece of shit mexican tommy"
"Tommy D." [11:17 P.M.]: And I'm like, ok
"Tommy D." [11:18 P.M.]: So, like sunday he leaves a VM saying to give him a call when I've quit my job
"AndyDrew" [11:18 P.M.]: ok?
"Tommy D." [11:20 P.M.]: So, I got to work, and yeah my "piece of shit" mexican is a bitch to me around his other mexicans, but then after they go away he's fucking makes me kiss his dick and begging for chupa chupa
"AndyDrew" [11:20 P.M.]: OMFG
"Tommy D." [11:21 P.M.]: And I'm like no. And then later, the other mexican guy that I liked but he didn't want me comes up to me pissed off because the first mexican guy told everyone about me giving him head
"Tommy D." [11:21 P.M.]: And, yeah, you're all nothing but a headache
"AndyDrew" [11:21 P.M.]: omg
"AndyDrew" [11:21 P.M.]: thats fucked up
Written by thomasdimera .

3:14:48 AM EST Feeling Quiet Hearing Jet- Look what you've done (Again)
Kevin's Poll Numbers are down
Ok, my thoughts are jumbled in my head, so sorry if this post is not in cronical order.

Public Opinion Polls on Kevin: So, he asked me to quit my job. He dumps me. And, many people, say he was right in doing so. I disagreed because I wasn't doing anything at first. And then we he broke it off for the 30th time, then I did something. But lets not rehash that. So, I made some sacrafices for Kevin. Did I quit my job? No. But I made sure that what happened with my "piece of shit mexican" at my job will never happen again. But is that enough for Kevino. No. So, whatever. He comes over, and fucks me. Then he brings shit up after the fact. All my friends at this point have said that I'm better off without him. I mean, friends that I trust more than anyone. Shawna, Jeff, Valerie, Dan, to name a few. Well, i guess what happened Sunday night won't help anything. I got in late because I was with Rob. No big deal. And I get home and he has left three phone messages. And as I'm reviewing them, he knocks all pissed off. Started acusing me of being with my Piece of shit mexican again. He was really pissing me off. My mother was upstairs sleeping and he started getting loud. So, Itrying to get him out of my fucking door. I'm pushing him out so we can talk outside in his car. He gets very angry and grabs me on my right arm and it felt like he carried me and pushed me on the sofa. I was shocked at first and I wanted to yell, but then I just kkept trying to get him off of me, but I couldn't. And was talking and I didn't hear a word he said. He finished talking and he was crying and I was crying and he just left. I sat there. I didn't know what to do. Strong Tommy D. Yet again overpowered. I woke up Monday and my arm bicep area was swollen. It sucks. And still today it hurts. But Monday, he got me a little sorry gift and we talked...........again. For the 10th time. He's been stressed out a lot recently needless to say. And yeah, I've read about domestic abuse and I know what my friends who already don't like him are going to say. But, I did forgive him. We've both been so stressed. And I'm not blaming myself (That's what domestically abused people do) . I know he is 90% to blame for leaving my arm swollen. But, I can admit my faults. I should have let him know I was gonna be with rob. And I shouldn't have put my hands on him first. We talked it out, and yes, we are I guess back together you could say. I don't know, it's hard to say. Like, Today, I didn't call him and he didn't call me. Whatever. I'm just tired of it all.

Jhoeny Missing Fanny: Still Missing Jhoeny. She's feeling the pregnacy Blues right now.

The Ex'es: Either metaphysically, or social, I've found a little comfort in my ex'es. Andrew and I have been talking a lot. Just various things. You know. How all Mexicans are just a headach. lol. hmmm. Yeah, it was an interesting conversation. Here, I'll paste some of the conversation.
So, yeah, that's some of our convo. And then, Cory has been appearing in my dreams two nights in a row. In both, they were kinda the same. We are sitting somewhere talking about all the stuff going on with me. And he's sitting and listening and pulling me closer and comforting me. Yeah. It felt real and it comforting. Maybe I've just lost it. I always go back to the loser. But, then again, yesterday I was talking with Valerie about my first boyfriend Josh. Then, like craziness, he calls just to see what's going on that same day. It was a short convo because I didn't tell him what's going on. But I just thought that was so weird. I'm weird. Lord help me.

So much to say: I have so much more I have to say but I will have to save it. Gotta talk more about Valerie and my mom. And just my general depression period I'm going thru. lol. yay. More depressing news to look forward to. Don't worry, I will have more merrier news too. Like INDY PRIDE 2005!!!!! See you later.
Written by thomasdimera

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