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Feeling Frustrated
Hearing Bjork- Pagan Poetry
Dating, Defending, & Wives
Wuddup Peeps in da hood. Hollar at your boy.

Anyways, hi. Well, lets get right to it, shall we. Well, my first night about with Antonio was ok. We went to the Olive Garden, a place I had never been to. Just for a small dinner. Then, being the Margarita Junkie I am, I seen on the menu they had something called Italian Margaritas. So, I preceeded to order 25 of them. Hee hee hee. I got a little tipsy. He didn't have anything to drink, so that made it even more fun. So, I'm telling him my whole lif story on our first, I guess you can call it, date. So, the night ended with a big hug and I was happy. So, our second , well, date, we went to see the Stepford Wives after we has a few drinks ( Two Apple Martinis for me) at a queer bar. So, the movie may have seemed better that it actually was, but I was laughing my ass off. OMG, Bette Midler is so great. In the movie, the Stepford wives were talking about how they can decorate everything with pine cones. And Bette's character goes " You know, I think I will put a pine cone on my viabrator and have a very merry Christmas" I laughed the hardest at that. Then Antonio leans over and says " Your laugh is beautiful" Ewwwww! Anyways, lol. So, that evening ended with a nice big hug. Yay. I'm not used to this being courted stuff. So, he calls up and ask me to come over his apartment after I get off work yesterday to watch some really old movie. I did. About 20 minutes into the movie, we're cuddled. And he gets up and goes to the bathroom. I look around, because that's the kinda guy I am. Yeah, um, he has a 3 year old son. So, I ask him about the pictures when he gets back, and he tells me. i'm like, ok. So, I didn't let it bother me. Well, near the end of the movie, he got up and went to the bathroom again. He comes back as I'm semi laying on his sofa and just prounces on me. Lays on top of me and starts to kiss my neak and ear. LOL. And I'm not really pushing him off, but I'm not really doing anything back. I was ravished in the throws of passion this man must have been bottling up since the moment he meet me. Ok, this gets a little Graphic, so kiddies, turn away. Well, not too graphic. I was getting swept away into this lust. He grabs my hand and places it on his, um, well, little Antonio. Which, in all honesty didn't feel that little. So, I start thinking like at 6 million miles an hour. Thinking this is only the third date, I can't fit that, I haven't prepared for sex, what am I doing, I don't need an instant family, what if I'm just another knotch in the bedpost (or sofa post hee hee hee). So, all these thoughts flood in and I say stop, which he did instantly. Then he started appoligising. And I'm like, no it's not you blah. And I told him I need to go. And he was so gracious and he keeps saying he's sorry. and He walks me to the door, and I just stopped and thought to myself don't be stupid. So, I asked if I could stay just a while longer. Peeps, he got the biggest smile and said yes. So, we watched the rest of the movie, where I eventually cuddled up to him again. He didn't seem upset about not having any sexual relations or anything like that. After the movie, we watch some tv for about 30 minutes and started talking. Then I told him I really had to go. Then, he goes for a hug and I go for a kiss as I'm leaving out. That made him even more happy I think. I just didn't want him to think he ruined things by comming on strong like that, because he didn't. It's just, I don't think I'm ready for that right now. I need a little more time of the getting to know him.

So, today, he hasn't called and I'm worried that maybe I put him off. But, I am thinking it's because he's busy because it's his weekend with his son so I'm not really flipping out about it.

Okkay, that was a lot to type about Antonio. LOL. Ok, well, lets talk about Kerra. Kerra got angry with me for not putting anything in my blog about her. She says that all I talk about is Jhoeny. Ugh! Here we go again. It's so friggen fustrating to go thru this. I mean, I love all my friends and I don't wish to neglect any of them. The reason why I haven't mentioned much about Kerra recently is because she was in Flordia for a while and we weren't communicating as much as Jhoeny and I were. Geez. i don't get girls sometimes. So, I tell Jhoeny about it and tell her stop being such a friend to me and stop making me happy because Kerra doesn't like that. I guess Kerra wants me to be miserible without her. Ugh. Kerra, stop it! I don't get my panties in a knot when you stop talking to me all of a sudden just to have sex with jason, so don't get upset because I talk with Jhoeny when you aren't around.

Now, to work. At my job, someone brings up the stupid " I hate preps" bull crap. I usually just let it go, but then this girl named Lauryn talks about bashing heads in and all that shit, and I just go off. I mean, 80% of my friends are labled as preps and I don't like people threatening my friends directly or indirectly. I mean, I know that some preps are cruel, but with my friends, it's more about loving yourself and acknowledging your accomplishments rather than point out other's faults. They are happy with themselves, and they are labled preps. So, for this hoochie to say that she wants to cause harm to a group of people based on the actions of some is stupid. It's te same logic that goes into racism, homophobia , etc. Because some are this way, that means they all are, so lets kill or hurt them all. So, I go off, and everyone kinda turns against me, then I just give up because it's not the place to bring up these things anyways. Ugh. So fustrating.

Well, I gotta go. I think I'll hang with Dan, since he's also feeling neglected. Damnit. Love you all. Love you Jhoeny, Andrew, Chris, and Bette Midler. Everyone else, I'm a little upset with you. We'll discuss it later.

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