Feeling Hopeful
Hearing I just want to Fly _by Sugar Ray
Long weeks. Rest needed.
Hello Peeps.
Okay, lets get to it. I've been so BUSY ever since Josh got here on the 28th of May. Just in case you don't know who Joshua is, here's a quick history. we meet when we were in highschool. I was a freshman, he a sophmore. We dated all during high school. We went our seperate ways when he cheated on me with his childhood friend, Amber, just before graduation. Then she got pregnant just from that one time, and yadda yadda. Well, bridge under the water and we keep in contact. Well, he moved to Ohio and he visits sometimes because all his family is here in Indianapolis. Well, I had the pick up duties and I picked him and Joseph ( His son) up and took them to Josh's mom's house . Like, every hour from that point, he called every 30 minutes wanting to go somewhere. And, me being nice, I took him. We went to see some great bands and all that. He slept over here the day after he got here.And, wakes me up early the next morning. Then we're off to Bloomington, and to blah and blah. Yeah it was non stop
Oh well. What else. So, I'm volleenterred to help with the preperations for the Gay Pride Parade and festival in Indianapolis, and I was like jerked into that. So that had me running around for a couple weeks with little sleep and lots of extra aggravation. Then, not having my comfort pillow, Jhoeny to talk to just got me even more upset. But, good thing in darkness, Andrew stayed up with me and talked with me until I finally got 4 HOURS of sleep. Yeah, that was a big thing. For a while it was 2 hours and up. So, yeah, I've been exhausted.
I went to the festival yesterday and it was relaxing finally. I was totally poops, but I still danced a little. I mean, CeCe Penningston ( My Wife hee hee hee) sung right??!?!?!?!?! Anyways, I meet a lot of interesting people, and I got a phone number. Well, a guy Named Antonio Castillo Cruz got my phone number from some list. We had been talking all day. You know, friendly stuff. So, I signed up for something. I don't even know what I signed up for. And he said " Is that the number I can call you at" and I'm like, yummy. lol. So, yeah, I told him I would have to have his numberas well. Just cute little flirting I guess. He So, the night went on, I came home and polished off a couple apple martinis with Dan and played some playstation and got a little wasted. So, I went to sleep, and Appaently Antonio called this morning. Dan and I were dead asleep, so the phone wasn't answered. I looked on the caller id and seen he called and I hoped he left a voicemail, which he didn't, so then I called him, and I guess he has his phone going str8 to voicemail because it's been that way all day. Ugh.
So, Kerra and I were talking and we agreed that Thomas Cruz doesn't work. LOL. Thomas hernandez is just orgasmic. lol. Speaking of Drewsey, I spoke with him today and told him about Antonio, and he's like " His name is stupid" and you know the cute little things guys do when they get a little jeolous. Yay. Then he gave me the third degree. " Who is he" " What race is he" " blah blahblah" . and I'm like, damn Drew, I just meet the guy and you act like I'm letting him in my ass already. So, yeah, Andrew is lovely.
Well, I will update this thursday. To Dan, I'm so pissed off at you. Well, peeps, I got a new digital camera and I take like 145 pictures everyday. I just love taking pictures. And there were some pictures I wanted to share with my husband, Andrew, and I couldn't because when Dan comes over when I'm not here, he moves shit around and then I can never find it. I can't find my transferr wire that connects with my Laptop and Camera, so I can't unload these pics, and Dan doesn't know where it is. UGH. I know I had it right here when I left today. Damn you dan.
In other News
My room is 25% clean because I'm looking for that wire.
I love you Andy Drew, forever.
Jhoeny, I miss the shit out of you. Not only the shit, the blood, bones, organs.....Just everything. (crying)

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hearing I just want to Fly _by Sugar Ray
Long weeks. Rest needed.
Hello Peeps.
Okay, lets get to it. I've been so BUSY ever since Josh got here on the 28th of May. Just in case you don't know who Joshua is, here's a quick history. we meet when we were in highschool. I was a freshman, he a sophmore. We dated all during high school. We went our seperate ways when he cheated on me with his childhood friend, Amber, just before graduation. Then she got pregnant just from that one time, and yadda yadda. Well, bridge under the water and we keep in contact. Well, he moved to Ohio and he visits sometimes because all his family is here in Indianapolis. Well, I had the pick up duties and I picked him and Joseph ( His son) up and took them to Josh's mom's house . Like, every hour from that point, he called every 30 minutes wanting to go somewhere. And, me being nice, I took him. We went to see some great bands and all that. He slept over here the day after he got here.And, wakes me up early the next morning. Then we're off to Bloomington, and to blah and blah. Yeah it was non stop
Oh well. What else. So, I'm volleenterred to help with the preperations for the Gay Pride Parade and festival in Indianapolis, and I was like jerked into that. So that had me running around for a couple weeks with little sleep and lots of extra aggravation. Then, not having my comfort pillow, Jhoeny to talk to just got me even more upset. But, good thing in darkness, Andrew stayed up with me and talked with me until I finally got 4 HOURS of sleep. Yeah, that was a big thing. For a while it was 2 hours and up. So, yeah, I've been exhausted.
I went to the festival yesterday and it was relaxing finally. I was totally poops, but I still danced a little. I mean, CeCe Penningston ( My Wife hee hee hee) sung right??!?!?!?!?! Anyways, I meet a lot of interesting people, and I got a phone number. Well, a guy Named Antonio Castillo Cruz got my phone number from some list. We had been talking all day. You know, friendly stuff. So, I signed up for something. I don't even know what I signed up for. And he said " Is that the number I can call you at" and I'm like, yummy. lol. So, yeah, I told him I would have to have his numberas well. Just cute little flirting I guess. He So, the night went on, I came home and polished off a couple apple martinis with Dan and played some playstation and got a little wasted. So, I went to sleep, and Appaently Antonio called this morning. Dan and I were dead asleep, so the phone wasn't answered. I looked on the caller id and seen he called and I hoped he left a voicemail, which he didn't, so then I called him, and I guess he has his phone going str8 to voicemail because it's been that way all day. Ugh.
So, Kerra and I were talking and we agreed that Thomas Cruz doesn't work. LOL. Thomas hernandez is just orgasmic. lol. Speaking of Drewsey, I spoke with him today and told him about Antonio, and he's like " His name is stupid" and you know the cute little things guys do when they get a little jeolous. Yay. Then he gave me the third degree. " Who is he" " What race is he" " blah blahblah" . and I'm like, damn Drew, I just meet the guy and you act like I'm letting him in my ass already. So, yeah, Andrew is lovely.
Well, I will update this thursday. To Dan, I'm so pissed off at you. Well, peeps, I got a new digital camera and I take like 145 pictures everyday. I just love taking pictures. And there were some pictures I wanted to share with my husband, Andrew, and I couldn't because when Dan comes over when I'm not here, he moves shit around and then I can never find it. I can't find my transferr wire that connects with my Laptop and Camera, so I can't unload these pics, and Dan doesn't know where it is. UGH. I know I had it right here when I left today. Damn you dan.
In other News
My room is 25% clean because I'm looking for that wire.
I love you Andy Drew, forever.
Jhoeny, I miss the shit out of you. Not only the shit, the blood, bones, organs.....Just everything. (crying)
You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla