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Ugh. I hate everyone today for some reason. I'm hungry, I'm grumpy, I'm sleepy. and I',m friggen horny and no one gives a s#(@. I started jagging today. I thought I would be out of breath and unable to do it since it's been like a year since I could really do any physical exercise but I ran the whole 3 miles without stopping. So, I'm feeling good about that. Recovery is a bitch, and that's why we get along so well. lol. It was still freezing though!
Anyways, I'm really wanting to get back into theater soon. I was realizing yesterday how much I miss it. I'm trying to get back to the things I truely enjoy and love and stop worrying about relationships and all that mess. That stuff will come when it comes. I think I started to forget myself. Wow, I'm just realizing that later is new years! These could be my resoulutions. Continued work outs, theater, loose my gaginity, start school again (Ugh) . Man, I have a lot of big goals for 2002. Fuck, I'm overloaded. Well, I think I can do it with my friends backing me all up.
Okay, these are the people I love and want to thank this year. This is a non-interesting part of my journal, but I want to give my love for a spectacular year to the peeps who deserve it. I do this every year. Okay
Andrew J- You went thru a lot with me. Though we are no longer friends, I still love you for the real you. Not what I see now. I hope you have peace with the new year.
Jorja- Though are conversations are now far inbetween and brief, I've always loved you and felt a special bond with you. You are my angel from God. Without you, I would be nothing.
My Mom Debra- Though we step on each other's toes, I totally love and admirer you. Your strength and commitment to your family is something I'll charish forever.
Rosie- Laughes, tear, Joy, and pain. We been thru a lot and I totally love you. YOu are my best little butddy and without you, I would be a total mess all the time. Though we communicate only thru the net, I feel a lot of love and gratitude twords you. <3
Andrew H- My future husband. Eventhough you have a lot of things going in your head, I never doubt that I love you and you truely love me. We will be "together" soon
Chris- They say twins have a special connection. Well, we don't, but I still love you. Hee hee. Thank you so much for defending me to our overwhelming family and thanks for just being there when I need you and never letting up when I think I don't.
Shawna- Thank you for giving me blue balls all the time. LOL. But really, thank you for showing me that beauty isn't always dumb. Your sense of style and class will forever be with me. I know in 2002 you will be moving, but you'll always be with me when I go shopping in my heart. :)
Doug- Um, please don't blow up the school.
Cheryl- My first, my last, my everything. Loving you is hard, but not having you is harder. I will always love you though, eventhough you are falling in love with another. I support you. I love you enough to let you go.
Magnolia- My dear grandmother. You showed me the first steps of class and style. Though you are sick now, i know you love me, as do I , you. I wish you could be better, but if you must go and teach some angels how to dress in heaven, so be it. Love you.
"L" - My dear lesbian sister who love penis. lol. YOu are fun, when you aren't pmsing or hugging trees. Love you lots
Johnny- My newest friend. Though you are a horn dog, I love ya and I hope to get to know more about you. (Well, I already seen your, um, thingy. hee hee)
Jodi- Um, I'll give you my shrinks number
Allie- How pissed were we at each other earlier this year? Now we are like lovers. lol. Well, not really. Thank you so much for being there when you can. I totally love you Baby Angel.
Cynthia- No one knows what happened to you, but whereever you are, I hope you are okay and I hope you know I love you. Be safe.
George Bush- Dude, you are really surprizing me. I thought we wouldn't get along, but you're doing a good job right now. Thank you for your leadership.
Britney Spears- Thanks for making another great album. I'ma slave for you girlfriend. hee hee.
Anna- Thank you for trying to help me with everything I do. Though we can get on each other's nerves sometimes, it's great to know that you're always in my corner.
Brandie- You went and married someone else, but I still love you. You're pregnant and fat now! I hope everything goes well.
Will Sr.- Thanks for being my dad still. I will always think of you as daddy.
Will Jr.- My dear brother. There are issue that we need to work out, but I will love you always.
Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky- If you don't know who that is, you're out of luck. Love ya Mr. happy-Go-Lucky.
Booger- You've been my favorite cat for 4 years now, you horn dog. I love you bunches.
Now, I'm finished. I know I've forgotten some, but I do love you all and I hope for everyoe to have a great new years.

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