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Hello and happy holidays. I love you all. Well, all except you Amy. Anyways, here's news from our partners at WTOM in Indianapolis. Mr. DiMera is now a citrus blonde. Yahoo. When reached for comment, Tommy gave the following statement. "... I just love it. I just love changing my hair at least 5 times a year. It looks cool and my best friend Michael had nothing but good things to say about it. Cheryl, on the other hand, laughed at me when she seen I wasn't strawberry blonde anymore" We'll keep you up to date on that story as more information becomes availible.
Okay, let me stop that news report crap. Anyways, people keep telling me that I'm trying to be Vitimin C, the singer, and I tell them, no. Let me get off the hair subject for a while. My grandmother (Well, really my ex-step grandmother-in-law) was put in the hospital wendsday and I just found out today. It totally sucks. No one tells me what happened and what seems to be the problem either. They don't know this, but I found out what room she is in and I'm going to see her tomorrow. She'll tell me what's wrong. She doesn't hold back with me. I've been really worried about why she's in the hospital though.
I found out yesterday that my ex girlfriend, Amanda, with whom I spent all my high school years with off and on is getting married!!!!!!!!! Ugh! :I mean, yay. We parted ways after graduation.But, I come to find out she's moved on. It kinda hurt to find out she's really getting married, but I am happy for her. Well, sorta. She's just engaged now though, but she's told me she won't be getting married until she finished college in three years. So, I have time to wear her down. Just kidding. I do need to find someone though. I would go out with Rosie but:
1 She's too young (15) I'm 18
2. She's in love with this dork named Dan
3. She's bugging me right now.
4. Her dad's a dick
5. Her sister would be chasing after me.
6. I would make her head expload.
This week's theme was Masturbation with all my friends. I can't mention who, but I've had three interesting conversations with three of my friends about masturbaition. 2 girls and a boy. 2 girls, a guy, and a masturbation topic. God, I'm totally lame. I should get going, though I have much more to say. I'll finish up tomorrow when I get back from shopping. Buh bye. Kisses to all and to all a good night.

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