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Hello, my name is Tommy and I'm an achoolic. ANYWAYS, my grandmother and uncle were up here for a visit from Georgia, so I really didn't give a damn about this blogger. I totally love my grandmother. She's like the sweetest person ever. She is where I got the nice side of my personality. I love here more than any grandson loves his grandmother. I was so friggin happy she showed up unexpected. That made my life a lot better. I'm starting the college search now. I just want to get thru with it. I'm ready to get a good carrer and stop living off my mom. Though, it is nice. lol. I'm so wrong. I don't want to use a trust fund to live. I want to be totally independent.
Do you people know how great ER is? The TV show. It's taking me forever because I can't stop watching. Just thought I would throw that in.
Well, I'm a little bit tired, so I'm going to sit here and wait for Rosie to get online.
Other News
I almost came out to my mother.
My mother goes for some very minor surgery tommorrow.
There's some freaky stuff going on at work.
I need to Clean my room.

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