So as I rediscovered this blog I of course had to look back at some of the posts that I've made in the past.
I think that I am rather hard on myself. I'm speaking of me looking back at myself those years ago. What I wrote and how I wrote it. I Add what I fail to realize is I was a kid. I'm sitting here being disgusted by some of the things that I wrote but I have to remind myself that I was just a kid. We all have to grow we all have to mature.
And my heart breaks a little. To see some of the hurt that I inflicted on others but also on myself. I was but a kid.
So how does one get back to being a stable sturdy impassioned philosophical writer. How do I get to a place where I can write paragraphs and words and have them Inspire others. To convey what is going on in my life in a way that shows ultimate hope. Cuz that's who I am now. I will never give up hope on finding true love and peace and prosperity.
I'm finished looking back. I know some will want to see who I was then in visiting my website. But I'm okay with that guy. That was Tommy D 2001. This Tommy D 2020. I love that kid and I love this kid now. There's still so much more maturing to do but I'm proud to say that I've come so far.