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Hello people.

I've decided to not try to catch up on all the blogs I've missed, for I would be catching up forever. I will just explain what is current in my life and If I need to reference back, I will. So, lets get an update on the tominator!

David Archuleta - Are you Serious? :
Don't ask me, but damn, I've fallin for the kid. Not like that. He looks way way way too young to like him like that, but I'm in my undies singing his song, crush!
Going away away away aahh aaa aa a aaa! It's on my player on my myspace and facebook if you've not heard it. Or youtube it. lol. I look so goofy singing that song, but I'm loving it.

Raciest? Again with this:
So, I'm loving my paid job, honestly. I work with a great group of people. But, something came up Wednesday that I've been basically battling my whole life. Trent, a black guy who is opinionated as hell, and I were having a conversation. The topic went to race, with what happened Tuesday in Washington DC. (BTW, yay. No more fizzlesticking Bush!). So, Trent I don't think is a very smart nor sane person. But, I do like to converse with many people of many different backgrounds and levels of sanity. After a discussion on how when I meet many black people the topic of conversation mainly drift to my hair and how it's not "right" and how they would change it. I mainly get "I wish you would braid your hair, or cut it" But, when I meet with my Caucasian friends, the subject is never even brought you. I said that I think that this basically comes down to some people's need to conform to a set ideal of how one race is to look physically, and how if I do have Caucasian friends, they obviously have no preset judgement of how African Americans or any race should be physically. I'm me damnit, that's the point. So, he says his two bits, and I say mine, and we have a lively chat.
So, a few minutes pass and we have to get into work. he goes before me, and I follow maybe ten minutes later. I'm greeted by Monique, a lovely African American woman but opinionated as hell as well. She says "So you think all black people are ignorant?" My jaw basically hit the friggen floor. Never in my conversation did I say, nor would I ever think that.
I was dumbfounded. I've never felt a certain way about any race of people ( Well, except for the fact that 99.996% of all Latino Americans are sexy as hell). Yet again, the subject of me being a raciest comes up at yet another gathering place. This causes me to wonder if I'm giving off a different vibe that what is in my head.
I am rather different than most people in general, and especially my African American counterparts. Yes, my hair is different. I speak somewhat different. There's a mix of Boston, Hoosier, Spanglish, Georgian, Lispy, English accent going on which all are a part of my background and it comes out more prominent when I'm tired. So, I don't sound like.... well, anyone I've met. Black white or other. I don't listen to just a set music genre. I mean, look at my music player on myspace or facebook. I can belt out a Melissa Etheridge song right after I rap up a Kanye West song with a little Cher in the back ground. I'm well acquainted with every type of music out there. Even music in other languages. I dress different. I'm just totally different than others in any category you wish to place on them.
It's true, as I've said for years, I do not fit into any category people have labeled me as, and nor am I "try to be" anything other than who I am. So, Gay Black, Democrat, Liberal, male isn't working because I none of those and all of them at the same time.
There are a few things that bother me when I'm called it. Raciest, sexiest, homophobic. Those are up there. I know not how to combat such labels, but I know just to remain true to who I am and pray that people will see who I truly am deep down.

Here Comes Valerie, Here comes Valerie up in Valerie Lane:
I'm getting excite because Valerie said she's coming up to pay a visit this weekend. I hope it works out! If you guys don't know her, I suggest you get to know her. She's the best friend I guy could ask for. She has her issues (God knows she does), but she's such a great person, and damn, she likes me! Yay. I am trying to see exactly what we can do together when she comes. I have so many things running in my mind, it's not even funny. Hey, maybe I will just get her pregnant. lol. Just kidding.

Well, it was nice blogging. I will continue to blog about once a week. There's so much I have to say. I'm bring traditions back to my blog. love you all and God Bless each and every one of you.

In other News::::::

- I miss Boston Legal so much
- I got a lot of response from a lot of people about my new years resolution to write more letters. Be patient those awaiting letters. I am currently only doing one a week. I may increase this with time.
- If anyone knows any helpful info on grants and scholarships, please let me know. I have until August to get all this going.
- Ashley thinks all my ex'es were jerks. Damn, she's so right.
- If any of my ex es are reading this, you're the only one that wasn;t a jerk, I swear.

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