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Hello my people.
Okay, this is the second time I'm typing out this blog. So, if it lacks anything, blame it on that.
Now, lets get started.

Valerie waz here 1-2009:

I had an awesome visit from my bestest friend
Valerie, her woman Roxanne, their friend Lisa, and Val's bother Mark.
i had such an awesome time. We went over Lisa's mom's house and all of us including Lisa's mom, Jan, played
uno. You wouldn't think that that would be an exciting night, but damn was it! he had a cocktail or two and as you know, I'm a light weight so I got really comfortable. lol. My cheeks were in pain from the laughing and great times we had.
The finally game of uno seemed to last hours. Lisa's mom is so awesome and it was really great to have that wonderful break with all these awesome people. So, the next day, Roxanne, Valerie, and I went to church. it was the first time Roxanne had been to my church, so it was a little nerve wreaking for her. Not as nerve wreaking as the snow that had started to fall that day though (The girl hates snow and after the last few days where we got 12+ inches, I'm with her) . So, as they were leaving to go back to Kentucky, I started to tear up but stopped myself. I was thinking of even running after the car and screaming "I'm coming to Kentucky and fizzlestick the world. " But I couldn't. I went into the house sorta sad but trying to cheer myself up.

Queers are so happy:

So, I try to get happy with my family. My mother, my sister, and my niece are my characters. lol. Anyways, my niece says "Uncle Tommy I got a movie that you are going to love!!!!!" So, okay, I'll watch it. She said it's called
boat trip. I was trying to remember where I've heard about this movie and what it's about, but I didn't want to think. just wanted to escape the reality of my friends heading back to Kentucky.
So, after ten minutes of watching this piece of fart movie, I recall where I've heard about it. I recall a review about how it's a homophobic depiction of everything I am. Anytime there was the issue of a gay person, it's followed with a sexual joke. Nothing about being gay. All about sexual Inuendos and stupidity of school aged jokes and bigotry. Then, my niece said something that just made me stop in my tracks and my thought process of watching this piece of poop movie. She said " Aww, I want a gay guy roommate so he can make me happy when I had a bad day and we can paint each other nails and he will let me wear his clothes and he can be happy all time. not like you uncle Tommy, you aren't regular gay"
Wow. This made me recall previous conversations that i'd had with my neice where she said that, but I didn't let it register. Now, I know if i wasn';t so brokenhearted that my friends had left less than an hour ago, I wouldn't have thought anything about what she said again, and I would have sat there and watched the rest of this poor excuse for a movie and just gone off and blogged about how horrible it was, but that day I couldn't. I got upset, borderline pissed. So, I informed her that i would not be watching the rest of this slice of filth that was being displayed on my TV. Then i went into debate mode, though I know I would not be countered with any ideas.
I tried to explain that though we (gays) are a fabulous people that no we are not happy all the time. No, none of this is an accurate depiction of anything gay. I know tons of gays and lesbians. No, we don't say fabulous when our rights are not that of our straight friends. No, we aren't lispy and gitty when we are threatened with violence on a daily basis. No, we aren't twirling when the leader of our nation wishes to put a constitutional amendment banning me from committing my life and property and all other right that go with that to the one we've loved for years. No, we don't always want to be in the supporting role of friend while our straight friends are on their way in their pursuit of happiness. No, we are not your stylist, your cheer upper, your taste of the perfect rainbow. We are people. We are an oppressed people with a lot of issues and a lot of sad days. So, to think that we are this depiction of sex, or of forever happiness that is portrayed in these movies is the biggest joke ever.
I wasn't trying to be a buzz kill, but I wasn't in the mood. Then i went and got a documentary of actual gay people. A movie about not being able to keep our kids, not being able to give blood to our friends and lovers in times of crisis, how we can't even give our loved ones things we built together in life when death comes upon the other. But, my dear niece refused to look at that. She didn't want to see that. Why would she? How does any of their story help her friend her soul mate and marry the man of her dreams and have kids. These "fags" in the documentary aren't helping her do her nails, or plan her wedding. They have the ordacity to have lives of their own.
So, as you can tell, it ticked me off. But my sister sat and watch the entire thing with me which I didn't expect her to do. My sister is awesome. her heart is so big that sometimes she makes me cry. But my niece, I still love her to death, but I just don't feel as close as I did with her. I miss being close with her. We practically grew up together. I would do anything for her, but I don't feel that the same holds true the other way around.

In other news::::::::::::
- Please remind me to type about my paying Job in the next blog.
- I love
- I've never been a fan of hearing "12 inches" and now that's been applied to snow fall, I'm really not a fan!!!!! lol
- I have to pee- Do you like my hyperlinking?

Currently listening:Keeps Gettin' Better: A Decade of Hits (CD/DVD)By Christina Aguilera

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