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This is a really quick blog about just stuff in general. Yay!

Okay, well, I don't know where to begin. Last night I had a sorta date. Well, my friend (name withheld pending permission) asked if I would like to go out with him to a comedy club in Broadripple. Well, I did and I got the feeling that he meant to ask if I would like to go along with him as he basically picked up half of the club. I guess at this point I am so "desperate" that I read into a friend wanting to hang out as him and I dating. lol. Lord when ever will this desperation end?

Oh well, after sitting there at the bar feelings totally humiliated, I skipped out of there. I guess I better call him or something. Let him know that I left, but I'm sure by now he got that I wasn't there. lol. It's been a good 12 hours.

So, there are some traditions coming. My annual thank yous and my repost of last years. I can't remember if I did it last year. Uh oh, I'm getting old. lol. Oh well. It will be the 7th (wow) annual Tommy thank yous and resolutions. I'm so excited. lol.

As I'm typing this, I'm looking at my picture and realizing how much I don't like that photo. So, as soon as I'm finished I am going to look for my wire to put a new photo up.

Oh, and I quick update on my new year resolution for 2008.....I'M AT MY FRIGGEN GOAL WEIGHT!!!! I just need to maintain it for 12 more days. It's so hard!!!!!!!!!!! But I'm trying.

Work is going well, Church is going well. My family is as crazy as usual. My brother, Will, is the biggest disappointment in my life. He promised everyone that he was getting help with his drug addiction, but Lowe and behold when he comes into some inheritance, he's high as a kite. This is causing my family so much stress and me particularly. I'm trying to prayfully see how I should approach the situation. Seeing the utter disappointment in my mother's eyes is just ....ugh. It's amazing to me, though, that his son, my nephew Marcus is so different than him. Marcus is my pride and joy. Even know as I speak of him, I'm starting to cry. Marcus has had issues in the past, but now, I'm so proud. He has an awesome family that he's so active in. He works hard and he shows such strength and love. I can not tell you how proud my nephew has made me. I sometimes look at him in awe. His wife is an awesome person and I would like to think that she keeps him in line, but I wish not to take away credit from Marcus for he showed his strength by rising above it all. He's now married with 3 beautiful additional child and one beautiful biological child in a comfortable home. Don't tell him, but I kinda aspire to be like him. I want what he has. The relationship that isn't perfect but it's real, and full of love and compromise. The adoring child who are sometimes not angels, but show such respect and love. The home of my own. He is living the life I've always imagined for myself. How proud am I of him. ....... Words can not say. But I thank God so much for my nephew. not just him but all my family no matter how screwed up we may be. lol.

Well, that's a quickie. i'll be back within a week to get that repost started and get a more detailed update on life. It's been rough this last month but I have faith and I continue on. Life, I love it.

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