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The repost of Last Year’s Thank Yous
Current mood: refreshed
Category: Friends

Hey Guys. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and if you didn't to hell with it, there's next year and you'll make up for it.

Now, I have a lot of things to discuses but I can't because like the last 8 years, I have to get to the repost of the previous years "Tommy Thank Yous" Yes, I know. Calm down people. I know you are so excited. It's my biggest tradition on my blog. I've been doing my thank you for more than eight years, actually, but I've been putting them here on a blog since 2001. It's a very thoughtful and time consuming process where basically I get down to the raw core of my soul and type it out here.

Well, I just want to do I quick rundown of what happens. I repost, then on new years (and most of the time I'm a little late, so make it the 3rd maybe) I give my annual thank yous to all the people in my life that year (2008) and then, like in the past previous 8 years, I celebrate my 18th birthday on January 11th!
So, a quick update on my current life. I'm starting to cut the ties between my "secret lover" and I. My family is doing well. We had a very small gathering at my place (four of us) but hey, it was togetherness even if it was just two of us. Apparently I've been naughty because santa didn't bring me what I wanted, my soulmate, but I got a feeling that he will bring a belated one in 2009. A lot (4) of my friends are or were in the hospital so Wishard has been my third home in a sense. I will update on all this soon. But now, it's my annual repost of my annual thank yous. Mmm, I like saying annual. lol. Take care people.

((((((((((((((((( REPOST OF LAST YEARS 2007 THANKYOUS))))))))

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Uh Oh। 2007 Thank Yous।Current mood: rushedCategory:
Goals, Plans, HopesOk, so, its that time of year. The thing that everyone has been waiting for. Tommy's Annual Thank Yous. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(And the crowd goes wild)I can not believe I've kept up with this tradition for 7 years now. It's awesome. I'm proud of the fact that i actually have a tradition that i can keep. So, without farther ado, I will get to it. But first of course my resolutions and my disclaimer. I try to have at least five resolutions. What exactly do I need to resolve to do? Ok,1. Pieces of You- I will put my family back together this year. We have been under so much stress that it's just ripped such a huge hole in this family. So, I will put it back together. I've already begun this, but I will step up my efforts and get the results I need. 2. Pieces of Me- I will get my spirit back from the grips of the past. I made this a resolution last year, but was not able to see it through. I will make more of an effort this year. 3. Pieces, resee's pieces-Of course like every year and everyone else, I want to loose weight. My therapist (What the hell would she know about it) said It's best to resolve to not gain anything rather than to loose it. Well, for years now, I've not gained, so to hell with it, I'm really going for lose. I'm almost to the point I was in Sophomore year High school when I became Bulimic like an idiot. So, I really need to focus on it being the good way of doing this. I have 365 days. 4. Pieces of my Broken Heart- I WILL FIND A MAN IN 2008. Enough said. I never really tried in the past quite honestly. I just was like, blah, but this year, I'll be turning 18 (if anyone doubts that, keep it to your damn self) and I am ready to make a commitment damnit. I'm ready for that nerdy goofball guy with glasses to come sweep me off my feet and drop me saying I weigh too much, but he still loves me. If anyone watches Ugly Betty, I WANT A HENRY only with more meat on his bones. Damnit, why do nerdy dorks have to be so damn shy. 5. Pieces of Shit- I resolve to remember "Be Still, for I am God". I sometimes focus too much on revenge. On anger in my life. I will just let it all go and know that my lord will take care of it far better than I ever could. I will not be held back by those things that never defined me. I will move forward and never ever ever ever look back. I feel that my resolutions this year are rather generic in wording, but I know exactly what direction I need to take in them all, so thee are the goals I know I will be able to complete This year. Ok, The Famous Tommy D. Annual Thank YOu. The Disclaimer!!!!!!Ok, the thank you. Same disclosure as the last 6 years. For all the new peeps, this is my annual thanks for people in my life in the previous year, 2007, that made a great impact on my life for the year. There's no negative here, and if you're not mentioned, you should have had more of a presence in my life ( or been more positive) so no complaints, and no apologies given. These are in no particular order, and these are truly sincere and from my heart.Debra my mom of 25 Years- You stood so close by me in the many times of tribulations during this year. It was a very stormy year, but never did you back out. At times I thought it too much for you and tried to push you away, but you never went. How thankful I am for that kind of commitment and love and I thank you for being the mother You were meant to be. Will my oldest brother- Our relationship has been weird, but you in your own way showed me that you do care. You aided our mother when I could not and you gave me advice when I needed it most. Thank you so much for all you've done. "L" My dearest sister- You tolerate a lot from the family and you always try to make people happy just by being yourself. You're different and refreshing and your determination to provide for the ones you love is inspiring. You don't get enough thanks in your life, but I assure you we are all thankful to have you. I can always count on my big sister for conversation and love. "L" Jr my aged Niece- You grew up too fast, but what a woman you've grown to be. You have the strength which is the tradition of the woman in this family and also the compassion I've installed in you. You always seem to be there when I need you and I thank you for being someone I can count on. That is if you're not being moody. LOL. Chris my brother of equal Days- Support from a distance, love from the heart. You have given me a leg to stand on when they were taken away and you never ever went a day without telling me the truth about anything. Your opinion matters so much and it's 99% accurate. Yeah, I know you think it's 100%, but whatever. Thank you for keeping me grounded and always being there for me even though you're not here. Kenny My Ex That doesn't want to be called that- Thank you for being the only ex that did not cheat on me. LOL. But honestly, you gave me such a gift January 20th 2007 at 11:53 pm and irregardless of what happened after, I want to thank you so much for that. Earlier I told people I regret ed what happened, but now I know I truly don't. You gave me life, and you know how you did that and I can never ever thank you enough. Alejandro my silent partner- We changed so much this year and it was very interesting. You taught me so much about myself, my limits and my strengths. I know you don't like to be put in the spot light because we are so much alike and I know that I'd rather be behind the scenes running the production than be the main star. I can never let you go and I thank you for never letting me go. James My Drunken Friend- Thank you so much for the opportunities you gave me to help you and the companionship I got from you when I wasn't feeling all so great. It's weird that I opened up to you about some stuff I haven't shared with anyoneThank you for listening and I wish and pray for you this year. I want to see you better. James my flamboyant gay counterpart- Thank you so much. What a time you showed me. You caused me to do some silly stuff and to embrace more of my queernicity. Its sometimes ok to be typical sometimes I guess. Sad our lessons were cut short, but thank you so much for the times you showed me. Love you. Cindy my high school sweetheart- A surprize blessing you are. Lord, you remind me of who I used to be in high school, and make me feel great about who I am now somehow. How unexpected has my friendship been with you. Thank you so much for keeping in constant communication with me. You are inspiring and I'm so glad I've discovered this. Val my Lesbian Grace- Soooooooooooooo much you have helped me and I can never in a million years thank you enough. You are almost the only person I can talk to on the phone and not only talk, but talk to for hours. I don't want to quote Jack Nicholson too much, but you make me want to be a better me. Thanks for the wonderful times we had. namly pride. We're getting better at it aren't we. Dan V my aider and abider- You deserve sooooooo much thanks, because your friendship in 2007 was so strong, it defied logic and reason and, LAW. I've continuously thanked you throughout 2007 and I just have to do it again. Thank you Dan, thank you thank you. I will try hard to not let you down in 2008 and I promise I will thank you back so big one day. Dan H My Hispanic Heartthrob- Thank you for your aid in many areas of my life in 2007. Finally found a girl that is perfect for you and treats you like the prince you are, you sexy mother trucker you. Thank you so much for your constant commitment and love. Brandine My Uma impersonator- Thank you so much for trying so hard to drag me out of my shell. Social anxiety sucks! I don't quite get how I'm more comfortable performing for people rather than being among them, but you are really helping me get the hell out there. Thank you also for sharing so much of your beautiful soul with me. I am so sorry that I'm not to provide you with as much comfort and advice you provide for me every single opportunity you get. .Mysty my lesbian lover - You are so friggen awesome, how the hell am I to thank you. Thank you for standing up and speaking out on the causes that are so dear to me. I needn't tell you how you impact me or everyone in your life. You know. I mean, EVERYONE that knows you that has come up to me explains how great of a person you are. You're opinionated (and right 99% of the time) and loving and strong and soft. You're too much for this world, and we all know it. Thanking you for being a source of such strength and love is not enough, but for now is the only way I can show such thanks. So, thank you Mysty. Lucky Eric. Lucky!Justin my short term lover- Thank you so much for being a great help through a lot of stressful times. You were a great lover and continue to be a superb friend. Thank you also for showing me that a man can loose at poker time he plays and still keep money in his pocket. LOL. Toi my drag queen Buddy- You are the first Drag queen that I could actually have conversation with. Yes, we are at each others throat a lot, but I must thank you for showing me a new life style that you make o so fabulous. Thanks for showing pride and joy and thank you for judging me harshly, for I know you only utter truth when it comes to my looks. lol. Yeah, I think I've taken some of your "recommendations" quite well. Steven My niece Violator- Listen you punk faced ass, you better take care of my niece since she thinks she loves you and all that crap. But really, thanks for trying to keep her happy. You take a lot of crap from the family and I rarely pay you a compliment myself. I am right now, so, let this be it. You're very nice to the family and I have to salute a man that can handle my crap sometimes. Thanks for the addition your provide to my family, and welcome. Amy Ramsay the chef of my dreams- Thank you for being such a compassionate lovely person in a world that is being filled with so many that are not. Thank you for sharing a big part of your journey in life with me. It's always nice getting messages from you. I'm shocked we've not seen/noticed each other in church before. It's friggen awesome how God groups his angels together to get to know each other and I'm so thankful that you've allowed me to learn you. Your are truly amilicious. Jhoeny my Dominican Princess- For she will bare the one that leads thru Phase I, and she herself will have a major role in phase II. WTF am I talking about. lol. Jhoeny so much life happened with us, that we could barley keep up with one another. But, we are, aren't we. I will not let the distance happen again. Thank you so much for being so awesome to me all these years. Giving me (weird) an example to live by. Crazy that at first I thought I would be your teacher, yet it was you that taught me so much. I've said it for years, that I've admired your strength and that hasn't changed. Thank you so much Jhoeny. Lauren My Cutie- Thank you for the hugs. My lord I love to hug you. Thank you for your continued friendship and the blunt and accurate talks you've had with me. Thank you for baring with my absence and knowing that I love you no matter what. Life changes, but my heart stays. Kim My lil Girl- Thank you so much for making "mommy" feel so great when I was blue. Thank you for making me feel young, and for trying to steal all my men. It's ok, most of them like a little snack before they have their main course meal. LOL. Just kidding. You know I love the shit out of you and I will forever be so grateful for your friendship. Kevin I Still the love of my life- Life smacked you in the face this year too, and I'm so glad you seeked comfort with me. And Allowed me to do the same in you. Our friendship/relationship is so weird right now but know I love you. MarKo is a Ho ho and whatever. lol. Thanks Kevin. That's all I got. Man, these get more exhausting every year. Thinking of who I should leave out and who should be in is a difficult task. And I'm getting older, so remember stuff from a whole year is just... eppish. LOL. But thank you all for a great year. I love you all, and please take care. In other news:- Global warming my ass. It's 10 degrees- I'll be posting within a week. no worries- I'm horny as hell!
Currently listening : Us and Them By Shinedown Release date: 2005-10-04

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