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Well, okay, so much has happened in such a little time that I am going to try to clear up a lot of stuff and hopefully get enough of my own update in this damn thing।

Okay, to answer questions on the last post that I posted, that was a guy that was killed while riding a motorcycle. It was when we were getting onto the high way to go to Georgia. I saw the accident and pulled over quickly to try to help anyway that I could. it was horrible. It was just a very "in your face" thing and realization as I was going on the trip. I was driving and I had the life of my mother, sister, and niece in my hands. I had to make sure that they were okay getting there, and I did. It was a very tragic thing to see just when I am entering the highway to drive all of those miles, but I think it made me more cautious while driving down there. Peace be with Stephen Dowlings family. I wish I could have done more to try to save him.

Okay, what other questions have I been asked a lot of. Well, I did have a BF. Yes. But yeah, it wasn't a real thing. It was just a few dates and then, it was like "We're not clicking" It was awesome though. I finally dated someone from church, which was a big improvement from the bar, or from probation meetings. LOL. You know how I do it. I love it so much. But, I have hope that it's now moving towards the real guy whom I will spend the rest of my life with.

So, I'm not sure how to do a blog right now. I'm filled with too much information. I'm very forgetful today as well.

Let me take a moment to say how much I do enjoy when my friends call me intoxicated. lol. I'm not mentioning any names (VAL. SHE'S #1 ON MY TOP FRIENDS). Opps, oh well. She called me so intoxicated Friday night that I just had to go out and do something Saturday, and I did. I meet up with Dan and Jordan and we went to my friends, Brian and Katrina, house. They were having a nice little get together and game night. Well, you know the first thing I did was get into the alcohol. lol. I'm really not a drunk. i just play one on TV. So, it was great. I had such a great time. The party lasted a while and we were the first to arrive and the last to leave AT 6:30 IN THE FLIPPING MORNING. lol. Yeah, it was awesome. We were drinking and playing games.. One of which was poker and I lost. I will so blame it on the booze.. lol But, near the end of the party when most people had left, we played a party reveal game where you answer questions about yourself and how others would think. I totally forgot the name of the game. Any ways, but the end of it all, I was labeled an Alcoholic, slutty, mean, money hungry, old man doing, inheritance want, raciest, lumberjack, prostitute. lol. So, I don't think I will be playing that game anymore.

Maybe the issue is that I am way to honest about everything that I do. Yeah. If only I could clearly state all that I do in my blog. Sometimes I look at myself as a big contradiction. That's just a whole can of worms I wish not to open today. maybe later.

Well, since I'm taking public transportation lately, I've been doing so much reading and I feel so smart. but, on the other hand, I think it has harmed my ability to actually write. I can start up a novel or a play or a short story, but I can't finish it. I don't know why. Chronic writers block is all I can come up with. I get so inspired to write with all the things I see and the people I meet, but in the end it breaks down and I can not complete a thought. Even though I usually outline what I'm going to write in the beginning of a project. I think I need to focus on it a bit more. It's hard. But Reading other people's writings is no problem for me. I've also noticed that my blogs are not what they used to be. i guess I must say sorry for that to you all. I was reviewing a lot of my other blogs from previous years and I was like "OOOo, wow" but now they are just so scrambled. So honestly, sorry. But I'm trying here.

Let's see, what am I missing. LOL. Did I tell you people I'm gay? Ooo, well, I am. yeah. I've been reinforced into gaydom. I'm extremely horny all the time and I haven't any release.But it's okay, my soul mate is SLOWLY making his way to me. And he's going to come in and whisk me away one day before I'm dead. If Not, Amanda Jo owes me money. So does Brandine who say " Thomas it will happen. It always happens when you are not even thinking about it" I guess my problem is I'm always thinking about it. I'm not to the point of desperation, but damn, come with it. So many of my friends are all like "I'm so confused why you are not coupled up" Yeah, ditto. I'm such a nice guy, but I can be a firecracker. lol. I'm so interesting and so sexy. LMAO. OK, yeah, I've too much confidence today.

Ok, I'm getting drained so quickly. I will blog sooner than what I've been bloging. maybe later this week. No, lets make it for sure later this week! If I don't, you all can punch me in the face! I will try to get some structure back into my blogging. It was great when I had structure to it all.

I love you all. Hey, since I know I missed so much, here are some random facts that are rather important facts about me.

- My Brother Will is in Jail
- I lost 3 pounds Finally
- My niece now lives in Georgia!
- I need a job (An actual employment. Not a blowjob)
- You should add me as a friend on myspace and join my mobsters because I'm a dork
- I feel so bad for Andy Dick. Why isn't anyone praying for him like they did Bratney Spears
- I love my friends so much.

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