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There are too many ऑप्शन्स
Current mood: blah
Category: Romance and Relationships

Hi, I'm tommy D. and I'm a manaholic. WTF!?!?!?!?

Ok, so I am post a very quick blog about basically, men. Why do I do this. because I'm working stuff out in my head and I need an outlet.

Why are men so ........... whatever the hell they are? You all know what I'm talking about. Worry not, what is for the str8 men, transferrs right over to the Gay and bi ones as well. So, you will be able to relate. Men are sooooooooooooo friggen fustrating and yet at the same time, you can look at one without seeing a little child. that sounds perverted, but it's not. I mean, they seem so friggen innocent when they are nothing but. And they do such childish things that send you up the wall but yet you feel sorry for them because it's like they know no other way.

What stage I am in: Well, in relationships I know there are different stages. Right now, I'm in the dreeded hunting stage. Well, I've completed the hunt and there are FOUR people I see in the field just bouncing around and I don't know which one to snatch up. It's so hard also not know if I even have a clear shot at any of them. I'm being a big baby about it. All four have done things that made me think they may be interested. But, who knows. maybe I'm just so desperate to snag one of these boogers that I misunderstand the cues. I'm being an immature little boy affraid to approuch and they are being the same by giving hints and not just coming out with it. lol. How do you do this? How do you meet people and get past the hunting? Surly there is a book I can read about the mating calls of the queers. LOL. I've seen them up close and I've seen how easy it is. " Wow, hey, how are you" "hey, how you doin" Yeah, then next thing you know, here comes The Cher wedding march. lol.

Just the way I see it. I don't know. So, that was just a lot of bullyapping.

I'm too ignorant in the dating game. All of my relationships have stemmed from a long long courtship as friends and then it blossomed. But, all of my surroundings are so new, and my need for a mate is so great right now. New jobs, new church people, new restraunts. I don't know anyone as a friend well enough to say, it's time to take the step. I've ran the spectrum of friends I want to date. Now I must start anew with people who I barely know, but would like to get to know. Four people. I can't narrow it down any further. Four people who I learn more and more about each day, week, month yet I've never let myself be known to them. Well, they know of me, so i guess my foot is in the door.

So complicated is my mind today. I can ramble on and on. What would make a difference is if I were to know any of them online. I mean, I could kinda get to know them better and start to narrow the field. I don't even know if the Four of them have a computer, a myspace, an email. anything. You see, this is why I need Val up here. I would just point ot a guy and she would go over and shake him down. lol.

Guys are immature। Guys are a pain. Guys are so hot. . that's how it will end there. I will get my wits about me soon enough and I will type a nice thoughtful blog about life. But, for now, this is all you get. Random rambling from a repressed reject. lol. I love me.

Currently reading : Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining: America's Toughest Family Court Judge Speaks Out By Judy Sheindlin Release date: 19 February, 1997

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