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Just wanted to Blog about नोथिंग
Current mood: confused
Category: Life

Ok, well, I'm blogging about nothing because honestly, there is nothing to blog about, but everything i guess. Well, for the most part I've been just trying to handle a lot of business. yeah, if you get that I'm not going to go into great detail about it, you're right. Just a lot of business.

Church: Church is going well with my discipleship classes. There are a lot of people who I find interesting there, but like always I feel dissconnected from them as I do with everyone in life. it's because I keep way too many secrets. I should just finally write my tell all autobi and let it be done with. But to tell the truth, the things I do keep secret are to no importance to anyone unless I do let them be known.

Relationship: Yeah, I'm feeling whorish, and I don't know why. I have a "thing" for 7 people. Yes, today i sat down and counted them all up and I know for a fact there are seven strong canidates in my race for the wedding election. lol. They include the walgreen's guy, the church guy, the mcdonalds guy, the near neighboor guy, the secret guy, the friend of a friend guy, and the stupid but interesting TAKEN guy. And I'm not even trying to be with any of them, but, I just don't know. It sucks. Oh well, it's just one of those too complicated things in my life that I have to eliminate. Focus on self. I so need to do that.

Presidential Election Process: Yes, Mr. Political you know I am. But geez I'm so conflicted. I tell you, it's not an easy thing when this election, I like everyone. I mean, (and I expect to get looks for this) there's a twenty percent chance that if it were in a contest with John McCain in it, I'm gonna be choosing him. But it's all complicated because if it were to be McCain and Huckafuck (lord forgive me for that nickname I've given to that jerk) , I would never vote for McCain with him on the ticket as well. Then, there are my precious democrat, who I can't figure out who to love. There is my Baraka who inspired me in 2004 to say "This will be our next president" And I loved him. Until my mistress, Hilary, got into the whole thing. And then, it was uh oh. Lord, How do I choose. I love them both so much, and I love McCain, and Huckafuck can take a leep. I just, I don't know. I can't do much thinking but I have to . I know in our Primaries, that I will choose a democrate, Hil or bar, but I'd be happy with either. But I put a lot of thought into my vote. Now, after that, I don't know who will get my vote in the november elections. Johnny, Hilly, Bary. Damnit! Look at me going on about that. lol. Seriously, i love all my friends, you know, and I value each and every one of your opinions, so message me with your opinion about it. I'm torn so wide apart it's not funny.

well, I guess, in reality, this blog was about something. Something rather important to me. But, yeah, I'm just feeling disconnected with myself. I don't know.

Well, I'm currently working on getting my computer back to running. It's in the "Shop" and hopefully they will have a resoulution soon enough. I miss sitting at home nude and sending everyone inspirational messages. lol. Not how you wanted to see it, sorry. I love you all though. I will be in contact with you all soon and I love each and every one of you dearly. God Bless you all.

In Other News:
- Grandmother is doing fine. She's a trooper and of course we true christian folk keep in focus our lord and savior. Our faith guides us through the roughest of times

-OMG, here comes a snow storm.......again.

-Amy Winehouse, please please get well. You're way too talented for that crap

-Love you Val

-Brandine, sorry I didn't make it Saturday. You know why.

Currently watching : Kill Bill, Volume 2 Release date: 10 August, 2004

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