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It's been so many months since I posted a blog, I don't think I remember how. But I promised Justin Dustin to post oe because, and I'm quoting "I want to know how you really feel about me"

Mkay. So blogging shall begin now. At the forefront of my complex mind is the absoulute joy I feel right now. This is mainly over my new place of employment, Federal Express. I've been questioning myself on why I feel such emmense joy working there. One could say it's because how horrible my last job went. I care not too talk to much about it, but they made the mistake of playing with my money so I played a little back and they didn't like that too well.
When i get off of work from fed ex, it's so different from when I used to get off from the old job. I have such positive energy and excitment when I leave fed ex, it's almost humous. I'm constantly asking my friends is it normal to feel so happy about working.

Ok, Justin Dustin, here's your part.

So, another reason I may be kinda happy is I have a great sex buddy. lol. Ok, lets explain that one, eh. Ok, so my friend Justin who I call Justin dustin has been a friend for a while. We play poker (not a pun) al the time. He lives right down the street. He's always been just a friend and I was comfortable with that. Thats until one day Calorie Valerie got me thinking naughty thoughts about him. I never even seen him a anything but a friend, but one night Valerie and I were talking and she started teasing me about him always coming over and playing poker and stuff. Usually I'm very direct when I don't like someone, but I couldn't be about Justin Dustin. So, the next time he came over, I'm noticing how absoulutly hot he is. lol. Well, I guess cause I see him still as a childish annoying creature who plays the worst poker i've ever sseen. But he's also the most honest trustworthy loving compassionate person around. So, I put it on the line and asked him if there was more. His response (and at this point as Justin is reading this he's smiling that cute evil grin) "What, you're gay. You fucking homo get away from me" Yeah, but he never really answered that night. So that Saturday, I go over to his place to play so poker and he has one of my best friends over. Mr. Bacardi Razz. So he got me all tipsy and then he proceeds to take advantage of me. don't let anything he says fool ya. If he tells you I was just throwing myself on him and was insistant yet gentle, he's lieing (sorta). I got pregnant that night. J/K. I think he was trying though.

I definatly rushed this way to a point where we both were kinda weird about it that next day. This is where I love knowing that Justin Dustin and I are good friends. We actually have a serious conversation about this and like all our convos we end up confusing each other and laughing at how retarded the other is. But from what I got from the conversation is that we are not a couple and we will continue to be great friends, but when HE (yes he) feels like a shag, I'm willing. I'm okay with that I guess as long as I'm single. But when I find Mr. Right, that's it. I tink I would like for it to be Justin, because he click in ways people don't click with me at least. He makes me laugh a lot. But I know he's not interested in long term and there's no need for me to fall in love and get emotionally involved when I know it's not what he wants. He's a great guy though.

There's a lot of hot guys at fedex, I can tell you that. Lol. OMG, I'm being a whore. Which brings me to a question I'd like to pose. It's a weird one. Is it wrong to have crush on your pastor who is partnered and happy?

I know, that is too many issues to bring up. I think it just may be projection of some sort. I love going to my church so much (Jesus Metropolitain Community Church. BE THERE THIS SUNDAY OR ELSE! I'm there at evening services every sunday 6pm. 56th and Keystone. I don't mind picking anyone up to attend). I think it to be so pathetic I'm crushing over my pastor. I'm not interested in pursueing a relationship or anything, I just think he's so smart and funny and cute. OMG, high school all over again. LoL.

I've been a horny little bastard. I need to cut the crap out and get serious. Next year I'm turning 17 (for anyone who doesn't believe or at least pretend to believe that, I will be kicking your ass this saturday.) so I need to get serious and find a great guy and have some kids and die happy. no, I should say happier than I am because right now I'm pretty damn happy Wow, I've not been able to say that in a long time. I'm actaully happy.

well, I'm gonna take my happy ass to bed. I will update soon. Love you all and god bless. I know there's lots I left out of this blog, but i'l be posting again soon. So, until then, god bless you all.

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