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Feeling Anxious
Hearing Jos Stone (Sp?) Gotta right to be wrong
Horns DiMera

Hey peeps. Gonna try to keep this one a positive post. But, you know me. It may not end up that way, but I try.

Well, on the front burner, I went to Washington. Ran into some bad weather, but we made it there and back in great condition. The energy of the crowd was so powerful. I've try to explain it to people who asked how the trip went, but Somehow I couldn't. I can't put it into words. i mean, it changed me a lot. Ugh. I'm still fustrated right now trying to explain it all. I just can describe it. it was like this energy weither it's negative or positive going to this one man and, ugh. yadda.

Anyways, great trip. Been rather busy since I got back. I'm not a full time activist. the guys that I went with have my phone number and email and all that and they are sending me events, demostrations, protest and all that so I can prepare. I'm going to be making a lot more appearences.
A great man, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., once said that " A man who has nothing to die for, has no reason to live" and I find myself going in the direction of willing to die for my rights and as I do that, I'm noticing that the so called friends around me really do not care. I mean, they are all nice well intentioned people, but they have this philosophy that there's nothing they can do and since it's not their rights, they will let other people fight for the rights of me and millions of my gay brothers and sisters all accross this nation. it's very sad, I have to say. Because I have always pride myself on surrounding myself with the best of people. But, I'm no longer surrounded by such people. So, change is comming, yes. I have to change things because the way things are is just not getting it done. It's not too much to ask a friend to give a call to their state representatives or write an email, fax, letter or anything letting them know that they disapprove of the discrimination being passed around. But, I wish not to focus on that. It's time to move on. In the words of President Bush " You're either with us or against us"

Well, just a quick time out. Everyone, i know the economy is bad and money is tight, but i want you all to go to and purchase a live strong band . All proceeds go to the Lance Armstrong Foundation. I'm proud to say me and my family bought 100 and it's a very very deserving cause. You can purchase 10, 100, or for my more well off friends, 1200.
Well, Kevin and I are offial, and more importantly thru. Thank God. Had to have a talk about things when I got back from the trip and lay down some rules and he's ok with them. no more moment sex. He can easily get that from someone else.

The bad thing about that is last 8 days, I've been horny as hell. I'm not even kidding. I've been waking up ever morning with a tent in my sheets. I don't know what it is. I've been wanting to hump everyone. I'm like a cat in heat. Oh well! No boyfriend or girlfriend. Still waiting for Judge Judy to call.

Sorry to end this on a sad note, but have to speak of Shawna. it's very sad what's going on with her. Her father has colon cancer (the same that my father passed from) and she's put off her wedding understandable. They are still in the process of running tests and they already started him on a treatment, though I'm not sure what type. She's has been extremely stressed and down recently. Mr. Miracle is a great guy. He's very funny and it's so sad that this champion of so many people health is fading so rapidly. He keeps is spirit though and he's in my prayers everyday. They are such a strong family and I'm sure everyone will be able to pull thru.
I've been doing sooooooo much praying recently and God has not once turned his back on me. So, I will keep the faith and continue to try to fufill my oath to him and his glorious land. Yes, times get hard, and I have a feeling that a lot of you out there are going thru stuff. I want you to know, you are in my prayers. I may not know some of you by name, or know the situation you are in, but just remember to have faith, love for yourself,and love for others and God willgive you the strength to pull you thru. You have my promise on that.

I love you all. And God Bless.Written by thomasdimera

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