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5:32:28 AM EST Feeling Quiet Hearing Blink 182 Enema Of the state Album
Kerr a Lot? Kerr a little? Kerr at all?
Hello. Ok, well, first off, let me thank God that Jhoeny is okay. Though, it did do some damage to her physically and emotionally, she is ok. She such a strong person and that's why I love her so. I prayed so much when that stupid whore, Charlie, made his whorish presence known. I'm just glad Jhoeny and her family and friends escaped with a lot of things and a story to tell their kids and grands. A local radio station here in Indianapolis had this thing where they filled a semi up with bottled water that was given to them from the listeners and the DJ, Dave Smiley ( Total hottie and cool guy) is going down there to give them the water personally. I bought 10 cases of water to put on the truck. I was hoping they would go to Jhoeny's town, but nooooooooo. Whatever. :-)
So, ok, with other stuff. Kerra is on the outs with me. She reads my journal and she once again brings up how I some how talk too much about Jhoeny. WTF?!?!!? So, I talk about a lot of peeps at different times. She somehow thinks not being mentioned in my journal someone means I care less. i love my brother Chris a lot. have a mentioned him a lot in my blog. No. So, since when does the testiment of my love comes from how many times your name is mentioned in this journal? I'm so sick of her jeolous attitude and her inability to learn me. i'm not the type of person who choses one friend over the other. So, I'm guessing she's happy now that I mentioned her name. Well, that's nice. I will not be speaking to Kerra until she gives me an appology. I love her, but I'm not going to keep standing around while she not only insult my other friends by thinking that all my attention should be only on her, but also for trying to devalue me as a friend, because if it's one thing I'm good at being is a friend to other.
So, on to lighter things. Been having orgasms because the olympics is on and you know how I have this thing for people of different cultures. So, add that to a lot of girls and guys in tights. Yay! Man, i get my cheep thrills from the strangous place.
Um, Breaking wind is rude!
So, I'll update by this Sunday. I dunno.
Shawna's Wedding Date Announce. August 20th 2004. Yeah, that soon
She hasn't asked me to be a brides maid yet. :'-(
I love asbestus
I hate Mike Phelps
Mmmmmm, Romanians!
Love ya Jeff, Destri, Jhoeny, Jessika, Sheena, Crystal, Rosie, Peggy, Anna, Shawna, Dan, Cory, Ashley, and Cheryl. The rest of you, eh!Written by thomasdimera

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