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6:21:20 AM EST Feeling Quiet Hearing The News
Finishing Last post
Dan cut himself being a dumb jock. Had to go to the hospital. only 30 stiches. He'll be ok though.
So, Andrew got online, and, yeah, I was pissed off at him. Yadda yadda. Now, him and I are fighting because he's having a ruff time with something, but he won't tell me what's going on. All he said is " I'm moving to Miami" . Um, ok
So, now, at the current time, I'm worried about Jhoeny because she lives in flordia where that fag, Charilie, hit and I haven't heard from her. I hope she's ok. Now I am gonna start crying since she isn't letting me know she's ok.
I'm just such a lonely person. I can't stand not knowing how my good friends are for one sec.
I'm so sad Julia Child passed away. I do such a great imatation of her. It sucks. God Bless her.
I'm sorry I'm not updating my journal as I should. I've just been, I dunno, in some sort of slump. I did my tarot reading last month and this month, and neither were very good. And, with all the stuff happening with my grandmother's last month, I can only imagine what's coming this month. God, I really need Jhoeny to contact me. Ugh. I'm gonna go cry. I swear on my life I'll update before this comming Saturday night. Love you all. God bless. Written by thomasdimera
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
6:02:12 PM EST Feeling Frustrated Hearing Married With Children ReRun
Mean Ass Tommy
LOL. that baby has boobs.
Anyways, ok, so here's whats new.
Andrew decided to disappear on me on the 21st of July and I was worried shitless. i thought we was dead or something. So, I called and asked around. Even go Jhoeny upset about it. Had her looking out for him or his, um, "friends" online. So, the other day I get an IM from him. He's talking about how I didn't care.


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