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7:09:40 AM EST Feeling Mischievous Hearing Justin Timberlake  
Politics are Pouring
Lalala.  Ok, hi.  So, some stuff has been happening.  I'm not gonna whine or whimper about it all.  Or maybe I should.  LOL.  i dunno. 
Well, my last living blood grandmother had a stroke a couple of weeks ago.  So, we went down there  (Georgia) for a weekend and it was so emotionally draining for me.  Don't worry, she's doing very well.  Still has a problem with speech, but it's not servere.  So, like, we came back up to  Indianapolis, and the next weekend, my mom was like, "Lets go".  I told her that I couldn't, so she jumps down my throat and says that I'm a non caring bastard, but I couldn't fight back.  i had too much going thru my head. 
If that wasn't enough, I found out this week that my only other grandmother (  Who is actually Josh's grandmother, but like I previously said, his family loves me like I'm one of them, and vice versa, thus, I call her grandmother and I see her more than most of her grandkids) has a benign tumor.  Yeah.  It's like, fuck this shit.  That's why I was so angry that last post.  I was just like, what is going on.  But, we sat down and talked about it.   It's in her paturitary gland.  So, the doctor said that if you had to have a tumor, this is where you would want it.  It has a very sucessful rate  or something.  But they are gonna go thru her nose to operate on it.  That's some crazy shit.  So, I'm trying to relax and think positively about it.  I'm just looking back and seeing that I'm lucky because they both seem to be able to go on after this very dark period in the families. 
Then, while they were gone down to Georgia, I stupidly had a "fling"  with Kevin, a guy I've been talking to online for about three months.  It was stupid (but so good).  So, like, I had to call and tell him it was a mistake and I'm sorry, and he was like, ok.  So, yeah.  I'm dumb. 
There's like a hundred other things, but none of them are really interesting enough to put in my o so interesting blog. 
Well, I've had such a body image problem recently.  It's dumb.  I've lost 16 pounds  (hold your applause)  in July already.  Yay!  But, I just don't feel it.  I just feel so icky!  Ugh.  It sucks.  I still think I'm a great person, so it's not self esteem.  Or is it?  Why am I asking you?  I'm the psychology major here.  Or is it psych. minor?  I dunno. I always heard stories about college students switching majors  a lot.  I think I may be adding to that statistic! Eepish! 
Speaking of college, I will not be attending next semister because I'm so stressed about my life that I would not be able to maintain a passing grade in any of my classes if I were to enroll this semister.  I spoke with an academic advisor who said it may be best I take a little time off.  Yeah yeah Anna, I know you are yelling at me right now.  You too Jhoeny. 
Speaking of Jhoeny, she's the greatest peeps!  She's been my ONLY rock in all this stuff happening with me.  She's kept in communication with me, gave me advice, and offered me a place to vent and I totally love her for that.  The rest of you, where were you?  Shawna;  In Boston for a month with Justin.  No call, no show.  Dan;  New Girlfriend.  No call, 1 show.  Andrew;  Well, I guess I can excuse him since he's the love of my life.  Kerra;  No call no show. What is happening with Kerra.  She's not communicating at all with me.  i don't think she's still upset, but one tends to wonder.   Well, if you read this Kerra, I love you1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know.  Im not too upset about it.  I know you all have your reasons.  Write them out on a piece of paper and mail it to me.  Grammer will be graded!  Spelling, optional.  Who am I to deal with spelling. 
What an arousing Democratic Convention last night.  Barack Obama is my new future husband, eventhough he's married.  lol.  I think I seen Shawna in the crowd.  I was trying to look closely.  Sorry if I missed ya.  Howard Dean made me cry because he should have been the nominee.  But, whatever. 
Ok, I'm gonna go take a bath and shave my ...... um, yeah.  Talk with you guys soon.  Love you all. 

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