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Hello. Is anyone here. Oh hi, it's Tommy D.
Okay, so,let me update. that last post was a very honest and frank representation of how I was feeling. I felt like total crap that day. But, like always with the aid of good friends like Kerra, Andrew, Jhoney, and Dan, I was able to overcome a big bigstorm.
Noticibly missing from that is Shawna. Ugh. Shawna. She's doing stupid stuff now. Justin, god bless him, but he is a drug user and he has her thinking it's no big deal that she is following in his footsteps. Ugh to to. It's hard talking to her now. I don't know how I will handle the situation with Shawna. I wish to be there for her, but right now I'm dealing with my own shit.

So, I've completed another school semister. Yay for me I guess. Kinda sucked. In fact, I think it was the worst semister I had had. Started bad with the car accident. Ended with me watching my big crush get away from me and with health scares. In between all that, Aaron Leaving, confusion with friends, starting of a new job which I totallly hate, but Damn my father, he taught me never to quit so I have this drive to continue on. Yeah, weight gain this semister as well. Blame it partially on the accident because I have been in such pain, in all honesty, and can't really work out like I wish to.

So, yeah, to J, whereever you are, yes, I'm with the negative today. There's nothing really positive. My mother is accusing me of being an achololic, and it's really pissing me off. I may have an Apple martini, or a blue martini every now and thenwhen I get home because Dan taught me how to mix them. But, I'm never drunk and I don't know where she getsoff telling my family down in georgia and here in Indiana that I drink too much. I do not. She's such a gossiping asswipe.

Well, to the more recent stuff, te other day I was so friggen horny. It's weird. I think someone slipped me one of those drugs that make you extremely horny. Everyone I came in contact with, I wanted to hump. Yay.

So, tonight was a weird long night. I stayed on the internet all day long. Dan came early and entertained me with playstation for 30 minutes before he had to leave, and Shawna and I aren't really talking. Aaron's cell has been on voicemail all dan. Guess I could have called COry. Yeah, uh huh. Cory. He's been calling recently. I wonder is it because I had a one night fling with him.
Ok, shut up. The weekend my mom went to Georgia, he called and he was justwondering what was happeening. So, I invited him over because al my friends decided they had something more important do. And we were talking and getting drunk ( Shut up mom) and well, I don't know. It was like we were talking about how we never had sex. And he complimented me on my ability to , um, us my mouth and it was just so stupid. I said since I no longer had my virginity, what's the use in nt doing it. I'm lonely and Aaron is somewhere fucking Mike. So, I did. And Cory, much bigger than Aaron in the package department, hurt me like crazy. I was in pain for a week. Yeah, Aaron seemed to be the perfect anatomy match for me. (big dumb sigh) I don't know why I allow myself to do that. So, yeah, Cory wants to do it again, but since that night, I've just avoided his calls totally. It's stupid. I don't love him anymore. i was just feeling so lonely that night. Stupid friends.

So, tonight, I convinced Kerra to let this totally nice guy call her. She's all like, "I'm with Jason blah" . It's time t get rid of that loser in all honesty. I'm fed up with him verbally abusing her. I would rather her be with the other Jason, or this new guy. But, yeah, that's my good deed today. I got her talking with him and hopefully there's a big spark and she leaves loser Jason.

Jhoeny told me she would get in contact with me tonight. Hmmm. I guess I'll have to kick her ass.

Oooo, and I sent Andrew H. with card and a long letter with it pouring my heart out to him. I will post it next time. I love him so much.

Well, I better get some sleep. It's hot as hell in this place.
In Other News
My Room. Someone, help! It's bad.
Thomas Williams Hernandez.
SOunds good, eh?
Wonder what Rosie is up to.
Um, Amber won survivor. Booooooooooooo
Friends went off. So what!?!?!?!
Frasier (crys) now that's a show.
Thanks Brandon for the card.
Love you all.

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