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Yay. You see, even quizes know I'm suicidal. :-(

Yeah, ok. So, a few things have happened. As you've read, Kerra and I have been on outs. I'm not going to go into details, but there were certain things that made me totally dislike her, and I'm sure I did things that made her dislike me, but of course, like every great love story , we have made up. yay.

I've been so cranky and tired recently. So sorry to all those I've offended in the last couple of weeks.

Okay, so I'm watching the super bowl ( If you believe that, please stop looking at my blog because you should know I was watching the queer eye marothone on NBC, but I did switch over to see the half time show because I've always been a huge fan of Janet Jackson) So, I got to see Janet's Nipple. Big friggen deal. OMG, what is with these conservatives running the country. It's a friggen boob. If you haven't seen one before, there's your chance, and if you have, well, there's another. It was not such a big deal and the media ( God Bless them all) totally is blowing this out of poportion or how ever you spell that word. Give e a friggen breaks!

So, okay, tonight, Aaron and I got bored. If you don't remember, Aaron is the first guy I'd ever had sexual intercourse with. So, keep in mind that I've made previous attepmts to make Aaron and I permenity boyfriends but have failed because I did promise Aaron that when he took my gaginity that is was no more commitment than that eventhough we continued to have sex/ make love after the first time. We went and grabbed a bite to eat, then we went on top of the Mary Cable building parking lot which is about 2 am so no one was around. The site up there is one of pure beautiy at night. You can see the city and it's just wonderful. So anyways, we started fooling around in the car and we had sex/made love. And afterwards, I've always jokingly said " I love you" and he would always say something like " I know you do" or " How could you not". But, I dunno if it was the view, or the moon, or what, but he said he loved me too. This totally stunned me because I've tried to get him to say that ever since our first time. But, you know, it was like I knew where things stood. So, you would figure I would be happy right. Wrong. I just started driving without a word comming out of me. I guess I was in shock. So, I drove him home and he said sorry that he said it. And then, I got to thinking ishe sorry that he said it, or is he sorry that I didn't recieve it warmly. So, I'll have to talk to him tomorrow about that.

So, I get home and tell my friends, Kerra and COle about it. Kerra was totally sweet to me tonight everyone. It's just a testiment to the angel that she is. Truely, she must have been sent from god because I can think of no other who could have created such a beautiful soul . She made the suggestion that we just go to mars and start populating it and forget about earth people. She made me cheer way up.

But then, Cole chimed in with his advice. One of the things that came out of his mouth was " Oh, so this was unprotected sex" After I told him I've never had unprotected sex, and I always have a condom in my book bag, and my book bag stays in my car, thusly, I had protection, he then made the comment that only whores carry condoms around like that. I'm shocked. I'm upset. I don't know what the fuck to say after that. I always thought myself to be smart by carrying protection everywhere I do. I've not had any diseases as of yet andI'm always super careful. I barly have sex anyways and when I do, it's usually ( 98%) with Aaron, so where the hell does he get off saying something like that to me. Well, at the end of the night Cole said sorry, but I didn't respond to him because I'm majorly upset by him right now. I would rather carry my condoms around than be one of these wart faced HIV cases.

So, yeah, a lot of fustration, confusion, and love going on with me right now. I think I will blame it on seeing Janets Boob. Yeah, because that's like soooooo friggen important right now. Soilders are in Iraq and other places dieing, and people are whinning because they seen a boob. Give me a break!

In Other News
Can someone come help me clean my room?
Survivor All Stars. Yay!!!! Richard naked.... not so yay.
God Bless America.
Go Kerry!
I love you all.
My room is a total mess. I blame Janets Booob.

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